Frustrated: Readers are being lulled into a false sense of security that they are being treated fairly – when in fact they are not

Frustrated: Readers are being lulled into a false sense of security that they are being treated fairly – when in fact they are not

Frustrated: Readers are being lulled into a false sense of security that they are being treated fairly – when in fact they are not

Today The Mail on Sunday raises the alarm over a potentially massive failure of regulation that could cost households hundreds of pounds a year. A growing dossier of evidence gathered by this newspaper indicates new rules introduced to protect loyal customers of insurance companies from being exploited are not working. 

Since January 1, insurers have been banned from charging loyal customers more than new ones – a move that was supposed to save them more than £4billion over the next ten years. 

But we have become increasingly concerned that the regulator’s intervention in the market is not having the desired effect. Readers have inundated us with letters which appear to show they are being lulled into a false sense of security that they are being treated fairly – when in fact they are not. 

At best, the rules are being bent and at worst broken. Insurers insist they are doing no wrong. Our analysis suggests many longstanding customers are not benefiting from the rule changes at all. Rather than saving money, many customers whose policies are due to renew in the coming weeks – a large number of whom are elderly – are being informed of huge increases in their car or home premiums. In some cases the costs are doubling. The reasons for the increases are not being given, leaving customers baffled and angry. 

They are being assured they are getting the same deal as a new customer would get – a requirement under the new regulations. But The Mail on Sunday has now uncovered numerous cases where those who challenge their renewal premium are finding they are subsequently offered a much lower price. 

Most worryingly, some customers have had their renewal premium reduced after finding a cheaper equivalent quote from their current insurer when posing as a new customer – something the rules are meant to eradicate. The first instance of this was revealed by The Mail on Sunday last week. But since then, more customers have come forward with the same experience. For example, one reader, who did not want to be named, says his car insurance with a well known bank was due to renew automatically next month with a premium increase of nearly 38 per cent. 

But after using a comparison website and finding cover from the same bank at a premium lower than last year’s, he confronted the provider. It revised his renewal premium to below what he paid last year.

Another customer, Peter Fennell, from Fleet in Hampshire, was told by LV that his motor premium for the year ahead would be rising by nearly 25 per cent to just over £425. Unwilling to pay the new premium, the 82-year-old shopped around and found equivalent cover from Flow Insurance for just £13 more than he had paid last year. Flow is a trademark of LV. 

One explanation being provided by insurers is that customers who kick up a fuss are getting a revised renewal quotation based on lower prices the insurer has introduced since the original renewal notice was issued. 

This is what LV says happened to a customer featured in last Sunday’s paper – Richard Ansell, when he challenged his car renewal premium of £450.13. LV said the rates it used for premium pricing had changed and as a result his existing cover would now attract a renewal premium of £313.53 – nearly 20 per cent lower than his 2021 cover. Since our story last week, LV has confirmed Richard would NOT have got the lower renewal premium if he had failed to challenge them. This suggests many customers will unwittingly end up paying over the odds – despite the crackdown by the Financial Conduct Authority, the City regulator.

In the event of pricing rate changes, LV said: ‘The renewal premiums for those customers who have received their renewal [letter] but have yet to renew don’t automatically change. It’s just not practical for customers [in the process of renewing] to be alerted every time pricing changes.’ 

Other insurance customers, however, have told The Mail on Sunday they have been sent notices saying their original renewal quote is no longer valid because prices have gone UP since it was issued. In other words, it appears practicality is not an issue if pricing rates rise after a renewal premium has been issued and before it has been accepted. 

As we report in the box, right, both Jerry Sullivan and Susan Jepson have received higher revised renewal premiums from Hastings Direct, resulting in year-on-year price increases of 162 and 73 per cent. 

A leading insurance expert, who does not want to be identified, says the results of this paper’s probe into the new pricing regime for motor and home insurance raise concerns that must be pursued by the Financial Conduct Authority. He says: ‘It cannot be right that only customers who challenge their original renewal price benefit from a lower premium in the event of repricing. It is also wrong that keener prices are only available for those who challenge.’ 

He adds: ‘It is at odds with the duty under the regulator’s new rules to offer ‘fair value’ to all policyholders, including vulnerable customers, who may not have the ability or knowledge to challenge an agent in an insurance call centre.’ 

The FCA confirmed insurers must offer products that represent ‘fair value’. It also said it was keeping a ‘very close eye’ on how the market develops and holding insurers ‘to account where they are not meeting [regulatory] requirements’. Insurance firms insist the regulator’s new rules are helping drive down premiums. One insurer says 60 per cent of its motor policyholders are benefiting from lower premiums while NFU Mutual says ‘a significant portion’ of customers are seeing price cuts. 

All insurers contacted by The Mail on Sunday insist they are abiding by the rules. Hastings Direct said that while some customer prices were going up, ‘all renewal prices are the same or better than our new business prices’. 

It added: ‘We always encourage customers to shop around at renewal and to make sure their personal information is up to date to ensure they are getting the best price for their circumstances.’ 

Aviva said: ‘The new regulations mean renewal prices will be the same, or lower than, the equivalent price for a new customer on a like-for-like basis.’ 

LV said: ‘We are complying fully with the FCA rules. None of our customers renewing from the start of the year are paying more than a new car or home customer buying a like-for-like policy on the same day their renewal is generated – and through the same channel as the original policy.’ 

In the case of Peter Fennell, it said the difference in price quotes between LV and sister brand Flow reflected the fact ‘that the brands target different customers and the views from a risk perspective are also different’.

How you’ve hit boiling point over huge premium hikes 


JERRY SULLIVAN Birchington, Kent 

Jerry’s  car insurance renewal from Hastings Direct for a Toyota Aygo was received on January 14 – £513 against last year’s £277. 

Then in the last few days, a revised renewal quote was received for £726.90 – a 162 per cent increase. 

What Jerry says: ‘To quote [Daily Mail columnist] Richard Littlejohn, you couldn’t make it up. Hastings is making it up on the hoof. When I queried the initial 85 per cent increase, I was told it was a result of a no-fault claim made last year. But this is despite the fact that the third party concerned reimbursed Hastings.’ 

What Hastings Direct says: ‘We’re sorry Mr Sullivan is disappointed with the renewal price. There are many factors that can increase premiums year on year, including changes in claims costs and our view on risk. 

‘This year, inflationary pressures and the return to ‘normal’ driver behaviour post Covid are impacting on premium increases for drivers countrywide. 

‘In Mr Sullivan’s case, previous claims – both fault and non-fault – over the past five years have increased his risk, leading to a price increase.’ 


CHRIS RAMSAY Ipstones, Staffordshire 

His home insurance renewal from Halifax Insurance came in at £216.98, a 100 per cent increase. 

What Chris says: ‘I was incensed, to say the least, when I got my renewal notice. I phoned Halifax to be told the renewal price was non-negotiable and the reason for the hike was that it had re-evaluated the risk. 

‘I went on a comparison website and got a slightly better policy for a few pounds more than what I paid last year.’ 

What Halifax says: ‘Mr Ramsey [sic] came to us via a comparison website in 2021, at a price which came with a significant new business discount. The new price offered is at or below the equivalent price we would give a new customer. 

‘We have also updated our view of surface water flood risk in Mr Ramsey’s [sic] area – with the result that his property presents a higher risk than previously.’ 


JANE BENSON Edgware, London 

Her home insurance with LV was due to increase next month from £201.81 to £403.57. 

What Jane (we have used an assumed name) says: ‘I have had a home insurance policy with LV for more than 15 years. I am angry and upset – a pensioner on limited means. A 100 per cent increase? Why?’ 

What LV says: ‘Ms J.B. will be one of the customers impacted by our view of certain risks changing and the price of her policy subsequently needing to increase. Most of our car and home customers are seeing decreases in their renewal prices and many customers are choosing to stay with us.’ 


KIERAN BALLINGER Camberley, Surrey 

His home insurance was due to renew on February 1. The new premium quoted by Rias was £113.04, including a £20 set-up fee because his cover is not automatically renewed. This is a rise of 76 per cent on last year. 

What Kieran says: ‘I got cheaper cover elsewhere. I did phone Rias to ask it to explain the 76 per cent increase, but after pressing all the buttons, I ended up with a recording stating that if I was phoning for a discount, none would be given.’ 

What Rias says: ‘Previous claims have had an influence on the renewal price. Home insurance prices are based on a range of risk – location, type of property and claims history. Our view of these risks can change from year to year which in turn affects the price we quote a customer when they come to renew.’ 


SUSAN JEPSON Lee Common, Buckinghamshire 

Her car insurance renewal from Hastings Direct was priced 37 per cent higher than last year – it was then updated to £939.70, a 73 per cent increase. 

What Susan says: ‘Last year, we made a claim for a cracked glass sunroof on my Honda Civic, but it was not covered by the policy. We then got a renewal notice stating the premium was rising from £543.81 to £743.75. I looked elsewhere and even after disclosing the details of the claim, we had quotes at prices below last year’s premium. 

‘Then, looking online, we saw a second renewal notice, dated three days after the first, increasing the premium to £939.70. I was alarmed because I had set the policy up to automatically renew. 

‘I complained but no explanation for the second rise in the renewal premium was given. I have now got cover elsewhere at a price less than last year’s premium and it includes glass damage.’ 

What Hastings Direct says: ‘Mrs Jepson registered a claim for a panoramic windscreen that is outside the ordinary windscreen cover, so it is classed as an accidental damage claim. This impacted her renewal price.’


ALAN ROBSON Spennymoor, County Durham 

Alan’s car insurance with Hastings Direct was due to renew this month at a premium of £414.80, an increase of 37 per cent. 

What Alan says: ‘I had no explanation why the premium was increasing by so much. I’ve shopped around and found quotes below the premium I paid last year (£301.98).’ 

What Hastings Direct says: ‘We’re sorry Mr Robson is disappointed with his renewal premium. There are many factors that can increase premiums year on year, including changes in claims costs and our view on risk. In 2022, inflationary pressures and the return to ‘normal’ driver behaviour post Covid are all likely to impact on year-on-year increases for drivers.’ 


WENDY ELLIS Woodbridge, Suffolk 

Car insurance renewal from NFU Mutual came in at £46.84 a month, compared to £34.84 last year, an increase of 34 per cent. 

What Wendy says: ‘I had made no claims during the year or changes to the policy. I have now taken out new cover with Aviva which is cheaper than last year’s premium. When I phoned NFU, it offered no explanation for the increase.’ 

What NFU says: ‘We apologise to Ms Ellis for any distress caused by her renewal quote, but can confirm it is lower than she would have received as a new customer.’ 


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