Fulfill the purpose of marriage, “Marriage life is a narrow way that leads to life“. Some now prefer the broad road which leads to destruction and regrets, and many of our spinsters are tired of staying with their parents or relations. They desire not to live alone but they find themselves doing what they intend not to do because most young men are not ready to settle down.
But God says: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave with his wife, and they become one flesh (Amplified bible, Gen 2:24). Jesus said:
“At the beginning, the creator made them male and female; and said for this reason men shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife…” Matthew 19:4-5.
In our culture today, it is an abomination for a woman to propose to a man. Likewise, God the Father and Jesus Christ did not say a woman or lady shall leave and cleave…. It is the duty of the man to make the move. Obedience is the key to a life of abundance.
The Lord says heaven and earth shall pass away but his word shall remain the truth, the ladies are obeying God’s word by waiting for the men to make a move. God has placed on men the responsibility of ‘Trust’ from the beginning. God gave man a privileged position of headship. This headship is without a ‘big price’. But what we see today is that most men want the headship without the accompanied responsibility.
Men may want to ask what purpose will marriage Serve? The answer is:
- You will be obeying the God that established the marriage institution.
- It will serve you for procreation.
- It will give you the opportunity to show compassion to your partner.
- To form a union that fellowship with God.
But the prince of this world has a different answer to all these purposes without entering into any marriage institution. The devil’s wide gate and broad road give answers to questions like, what of the monks who decide not to marry and they are servants of God? Do you say they are disobeying God? They are obeying God provided they have no mistress or are not engaged in raping the small girls in their community. Otherwise, they are disobeying God if they cannot control themselves for Apostle Paul says that it is better to marry than to burn. So any Monk or Num that masturbates, I want to think they are working for God but not working with him or walking in his way.

In today’s world especially in the cities, if a bachelor can boast of a roof over his head, let it be a room and parlor, he will pick and choose ladies who are ready to keep him company. This is because many ladies have been frustrated over and over. They are tired of waiting or staying with their parents and so any little opening or chance to change the location they fall headlong and bachelors are taking advantage of this. So, what about companionship?
Well, to me the law of cause and effect shall catch up with any bachelor who is not ready to marry a lady but keeps on enjoying her companionship as long as she can endure. What any bachelor in this type of game fails to realize is that he is against God’s prescription for companionship. And he is daily sending peace and contentment out of his life, more men who practice this type of game end up marrying the wrong person who the devil will use as wrath to deal with them. The law of cause and effect shall take its toll on such a person no matter how smart he thinks he is. This may be why some married men are under bondage.
Marriage is for procreation God intends for us to bring children to the world with true love and in an atmosphere where Godly union exists. Anything short of this leads to hatred, anger, frustration, and stagnation. This explains why some children will tell you that they hate either their father or mother because these children are not happy with the circumstances surrounding their birth. Bringing children into the world without genuine love and honesty influences the mind and behavioral patterns of such children negatively. These are satanic ways to fulfill the purpose of marriage.
The next question you may want to ask is, why is it that some of our eligible bachelors have decided to stay away from marriage?

- Some want to continue enjoying different types of women which they may not have the chance for in marriage.
- Some have developed a phobia of marriage. They believe the burden will be too much for them.
- They fear the marriage institution probably because of what they have experienced or seen their parent go through.
- Some blame the economic situation, job insecurity, and poverty.
- Some find it difficult to make a choice.
- To some, marriage is not part of what will give them fulfillment in life.
- Some are impotent.
- Some men cannot look eyeball to eyeball at a lady not to talk of proposing to her.
Even if the lady manifests signs and wonders, such a man cannot stand the emotion. They shy away from it most of the time.
There are some who set goals that they must meet before they think of marriage. In my opinion, your regular source of income is the most important prerequisite for marriage, if you have a special knowledge that you can sell to earn a living, you are on. Start building from where you are. God is the builder of all things, invite him into the situation, let him into your genuine desire to marry, take the step of faith and he will surprise you with his blessings. Jesus Christ says those who have no faith in the heavenly father are pagans who run after what they will eat and wear.
Worrying about these things cannot provide them. Unless you trust in God’s provision for your life. Early in our marriage, we lived with what God provided for us at a time and thanked him for a great future. Apostle Paul says
“The one who call you is faithful and he will do it”
Once you are obedient to his commandment, lift your eyes to him. If you look down on man, you will stumble and fall but look unto God, he will cause men and women to favor you
Whichever may be your reason for not marrying on time, take it to God in prayer and he will resolve it for you. In my opinion, I think it is good to marry early say age 25-30. By another 25 years, you would have been through with your children’s training, by this time your body cannot endure all the running around associated with childbearing and training. With God’s favor on you by the time you are 50-60 years old, your children are coming to care for you. It will not be as if you do not have one. No! The children will start paying back for your care, love, and affection. I pray this shall happen to you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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