WHAT’S the one job which almost every company needs but is more about personality than qualifications? Sales.

Vital to every industry, sales should be a top career choice yet only two in ten young people in the UK say they’d consider it as a job.

However starting your career in sales could make you a millionaire, with celebs including investor Warren Buffet, Apprentice star Alan Sugar and internet sensation Gary Vaynerchuck all learning their trade this way.

So, if you’re ready to get sold on sales, here’s what you need to know, from Sun Jobs.


Credit: Getty

What does a sales job entail? 

In short, you’ll be selling products or services either to consumers or other companies or organisations who need them. The range of sales jobs is vast, from selling consumer goods to cars to IT systems to financial services.

Some roles will require you to go in and meet clients face-to-face and even demonstrate products, while others will be mostly over the phone. Your clients could be in the same town or the other side of the world, but all require the same skillset.

Sales can be very rewarding both financially and in terms of meeting your targets, plus salespeople are crucial to the success and growth of every firm.

What qualifications will I need? 

Many firms offer on-the-job training, but there are increasing numbers of qualifications and the industry raises professional standards. These include the City & Guilds Certificate and Diploma in Sales as well as courses from the respected Institute of Sales Management, which you can find at ismeducation.co.uk. Both are transferable across industries and highly respected.

What about personal qualities? 

Sales is the ultimate people job, so you’ll need to be a people person able to build connections and personal relationships. You should be trustworthy, good at admin and maths, able to negotiate and be driven to hit your targets. Confidence and presentation skills help too. It’s not a job if you prefer to hide away in the back office.

How do I get started? 

Getting your foot in the door is a key skill of any salesperson, so getting your lucky break to start in sales will be an indicator of how well suited you are to the role. As sales is so skills-based, it’s relatively easy to begin a role without experience. Search out entry-level positions, be honest about your experience, and show your willingness to learn and determination to hit targets. In short, sell yourself!

Most read in Money

What will my career progression look like? 

Sales career progression can be stellar. If you do well, you can either stay in sales managing a team, then a region or even a national sales operation, or you can branch out into business and fast-track to the C-suite.

You may even decide to stay in sales and max out on your commission and bonuses. Top sales stars are in demand and regularly get headhunted.

READY to close on your next role? Here are the top three sales jobs this week with Sun Jobs.

Sales Executive, Zuto, Manchester

DRIVE your career forward with Zuto:

The Job: Car financing company Zuto is hiring a Sales Executive in Manchester.

What You’ll Do: You’ll help support customers in their car-buying journey from start to finish. You’ll proactively make calls to qualified customers, dealerships and lenders on a daily basis; and manage your pipeline effectively to maintain contact with your customers, all the while ensuring your calls are compliant and that customers are being kept fully informed.

You’ll Need: The ideal candidate for this will have a minimum of 18 months experience in a sales-related role, great attention to detail, and a desire and hunger to learn, develop and progress within the business. 

Apply Now: See more details now, along with other opportunities at Zuto.

Sales Assistant, Wex Photo Video Ltd, London

SNAP! We’ve just matched you with your new sales role

The Job: Wex Photo Video Ltd is looking for a full-time photographic retail Sales Assistant with extensive video and photographic knowledge.

What You’ll Do: Your role will be to assist customers in identifying and purchasing the correct products for their needs; increase awareness of repairs and rentals; welcome and greet customers warmly, both in person and on the phone; and recommend and demonstrate items that match customers’ needs.

You’ll Need: Experience in retail sales, specifically practical experience of using the associated equipment is required, as are solid communication and interpersonal skills, confidence, and an enthusiasm for social media.  

Apply Now: Get the full requirements here, or see more jobs at Wex Photo Video Ltd

Sales Consultant, David Lloyd Clubs, London

WORK and work out with this perk-packed gym role

The Job: David Lloyd Clubs is hiring a Sales Consultant to inspire and motivate prospective members, in person and on the phone. 

What You’ll Do: You’ll spend a large portion of your time on the phone, spreading David Lloyd values to prospective members. You’ll also showcase the company’s amazing locations, and influence new and prospective members to make incredible lifestyle changes.

You’ll Need: Great time management, administration and organisational skills, and a flexible attitude to working hours, with the ability to work evenings, weekends and public holidays is required.


Apply Now: See more about this job, along with other opportunities at David Lloyd Clubs.

Discover thousands of open vacancies for jobs all across the UK now on The Sun Job Board

This post first appeared on thesun.co.uk

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