State pension backpayment: We have spoken to  at least 20 different people in the Government so far. Some have been lovely. Some have been obnoxious

State pension backpayment: We have spoken to  at least 20 different people in the Government so far. Some have been lovely. Some have been obnoxious

State pension backpayment: We have spoken to  at least 20 different people in the Government so far. Some have been lovely. Some have been obnoxious

My elderly mother aged 90 had a letter in December telling her she may be due some additional National Insurance years.

It was found she was due an extra eight years for Home Responsibility Protection and a state pension backpayment was due.

We have spoken to it must be at least 20 different people in the Government so far. Some have been lovely. Some have been obnoxious. Some have been downright rude.

In February on one of these numerous calls my sister was told my mum’s payment was now a large amount. The gentleman told us he could see the figures and it was around £24,000.

We have a log of the date and time of this call. We were told her claim had been escalated. Top priority. Then nothing.

After a particularly obnoxious call centre man told us he always followed through his queries we took my mum to my sister’s to await his call back (he gave us a date and time). He never called.

My sister, totally fed up, called the Department for Work and Pensions and this is where it goes crazy. A lady told her on the phone that the claim was even higher, £60,000, and could be even higher…!

My sister spent 45 minutes on that call confirming things. Even getting a breakdown of the payment and a reference number, but a letter didn’t arrive.

Then a gentleman phoned, told us he’d worked for the DWP for 20 odd years and never seen a big payout, and basically mum wasn’t due anything apart from a £400 payment the previous staff member had also talked about which we didn’t really understand her explanation for.

So how have we gone from £24,000 to £60,00 to £400?!

Got a question for Steve Webb? Scroll down to find out how to contact him

Got a question for Steve Webb? Scroll down to find out how to contact him

Got a question for Steve Webb? Scroll down to find out how to contact him

We were told it was high priority and someone would definitely phone back to explain things as it had gone to the higher managers. No call back came.

We have asked for copies of my mum’s NI records via the phone and in writing. No copies of her NI have been received. We have asked for a copy of the breakdown letter of her large payment that the staff member told us about. We have received no such copy.

We were told she could not have a Government Gateway account online as she doesn’t have the right ID proof, like a driving licence and a passport, so no joy there to see her NI payments and pension details for ourselves.

Although we have power of attorney jointly and severally (my sister, myself and my dad) and it has been registered, another call centre person today at the DWP refused to let me speak on behalf of my mum, saying they can only speak to my sister.

I finally got through again today and spoke to yet another person who never even queried my power of attorney status, listened to my tale yet again then cut me off.

The one thing we have is that the call telling us the underpayment was £60,000 was recorded on my sister’s camera set up to monitor her dogs. You can hear my sister quite clearly ask her to confirm that figure as my sister thought she had misheard it.

This has caused my poor old mum so much stress. Before we had the power of attorney registered we had to have her with us to confirm we could speak on her behalf. She is so stressed now and confused as she heard both the calls telling her of her large refund.

Is there any way forward with this?


Steve Webb replies: I was very concerned to hear about the experiences your family has had since your mother was first contacted about potential gaps in her National Insurance record.

Now that I have had chance to listen to a recording of one of the calls, I am even more concerned.

The background relates to a story we have written about before regarding the system for providing protection for the National Insurance records of parents at home bringing up children.



This was originally known as ‘Home Responsibilities Protection’ (HRP).

One challenge in fixing missing HRP is that historical child benefit records have been destroyed.

So HM Revenue and Customs (which administers NI records) is undertaking a massive ‘fishing expedition’ to try to find the parents who may have missed out. The letter your mother received was part of this process.

We have now established that when your mother first retired she applied for a state pension but was told she was not entitled.

She only had eight years of NI contributions with a target of 39 years for a full pension.

A minimum of 25 per cent of your working life was needed to qualify for any pension so she was turned down.

Fortunately, less than a year later your father retired and your mother became entitled to a 60 per cent ‘married woman’s pension’ based on his contributions, which she has been receiving ever since.

It now turns out that she was wrongly refused a pension when she turned 60.

There were eight years of HRP missing on her record and this would have reduced her target for a full pension from the standard 39 years for a woman to 31 years.

With her eight years of actual contributions this would have given her a contribution record of 8/31 or 26 per cent – enough to qualify for a small pension.

The DWP accepts that there is an underpayment here and has now paid your mother £438 in pension arrears.

It did however send your mother a completely baffling letter which seemed to suggest she was due £438 per week which is complete nonsense!

Given that your mother is now 90, you understandably wanted to know if these underpayments had been going on for decades and you had to make repeated phone calls to the DWP to try to get a straight answer.

Shockingly, you were told on one call that the arrears could amount to £24,000 and in another, the call handler suggested it could be £60,000 or more.

You have told me that your mother would like to do more for her grandchildren and that a lump sum would be very helpful in this regard.

Unfortunately, it turns out that your mother is owed nothing aside from the original £438.

The reason for this is that since your father retired in 1994, your mother’s pension has been based not on her own National Insurance record but that of her husband.

Even with the HRP correctly added, her own NI record stands at just 26 per cent, compared with the 60 per cent she can receive instead by claiming a married woman’s pension.

Did HRP get missed off YOUR state pension record? 

If you think Home Responsibilities Protection is missing from your state pension record, HMRC has got a web tool which will help you through the process of claiming it.

> Check if you are eligible to apply for Home Responsibilities Protection.

This means that the change to her NI record only affects what she was entitled to between her 60th birthday and her husband’s 65th.

This raises the question as to why DWP staff came up with such wildly differing figures.

I don’t doubt for a moment that they were trying to be helpful, but it seems that either they simply didn’t understand the pension system or that the information they were looking at on their screens was confusing.

Either way, they should not have raised your family’s hopes by guessing at what the right number would be.

When I put this to the DWP, a spokesperson said: ‘We are very sorry for the errors handling this case and for the service received by your reader, and we are working with her family on a resolution.’

Whilst I’m afraid I don’t think there is any chance of the DWP paying your mother the figures quoted on the phone, I do think that this is a case of ‘maladministration’ which has caused distress to your mother and inconvenience to the whole family.

If you hear no more from the DWP I would submit a formal complaint, not least to improve the training of the people who answer calls to make sure that they are much more careful in what they say in future.

Ask Steve Webb a pension question

Former pensions minister Steve Webb is This Is Money’s agony uncle.

He is ready to answer your questions, whether you are still saving, in the process of stopping work, or juggling your finances in retirement.

Steve left the Department of Work and Pensions after the May 2015 election. He is now a partner at actuary and consulting firm Lane Clark & Peacock.

If you would like to ask Steve a question about pensions, please email him at [email protected].

Steve will do his best to reply to your message in a forthcoming column, but he won’t be able to answer everyone or correspond privately with readers. Nothing in his replies constitutes regulated financial advice. Published questions are sometimes edited for brevity or other reasons.

Please include a daytime contact number with your message – this will be kept confidential and not used for marketing purposes.

If Steve is unable to answer your question, you can also contact MoneyHelper, a Government-backed organisation which gives free assistance on pensions to the public. It can be found here and its number is 0800 011 3797.

Steve receives many questions about state pension forecasts and COPE – the Contracted Out Pension Equivalent. If you are writing to Steve on this topic, he responds to a typical reader question about COPE and the state pension here.

This post first appeared on

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