A MUM whose daughter lived in an iconic bright pink Barbie home says that they have had no choice but to re-paint it with a “boring” colour.

Original owner Kathy Charles had chosen the vibrant pink shade for her semi detached house as she loved the exciting colour.

The vibrant Pink House in Toton, Nottinghamshire is up for sale for £230,000


The vibrant Pink House in Toton, Nottinghamshire is up for sale for £230,000Credit: Tracey Kandohla
The house has now been painted a "boring" white


The house has now been painted a “boring” whiteCredit: Tracey Kandohla

But following Kathy’s sudden death from an illness in March the Barbie-esque property went up for sale.

Eight months on there have been no prospective buyers so the family of Kathy – fondly known as the “Pink Lady” – have reluctantly toned down the luminous landmark.

After a coating of fresh white paint, and with the pink chimney still to be tackled during fairer weather, Kathy’s mother Kath Platt said: “I’m upset the pink has had to go.

“That was my daughter’s favourite colour. She loved it.”

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Kath, 88, speaking exclusively to The Sun Online, admitted: “We’ve had trouble selling the house because of the colour so we’ve decided to paint it white.

“My son has organised it all and got the decorators in last week. It looks very different all white and a bit boring!

“There’s been lots of comments on the community Facebook with people saying it should have stayed pink in Kathy’s memory.

“They say they’re so sorry to see the pink go as it brightened up the place and was a landmark. It was my daughter’s legacy so it is sad.”

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Kath, who lives with husband Syd, in a neighbouring street to the property, said: “I would have been happy for the house to stay pink but it wasn’t selling.

“The place needs to be sold and we thought it may have gone before Christmas but there’s only been a couple of viewings, and no offers.”

Those who love a splash of colour will be pleased to hear that the iconic house remains pink inside.

Kath said: “The decorators have nearly finished it, except for the chimney pot. White just doesn’t brighten up the street, the pink was like a glow.

“After my daughter sadly died and the house went on the market we wanted it to stay bright pink for Kathy.

“It’s a very unusual colour, very colourful and it may not be everyone’s liking but it would be lovely it it stayed in her colour.”

Kath, who with her husband and daughter had all worked for Players cigarettes, paid tribute to the “Pink Lady”, saying: “She was a happy go lucky person and friends with everybody.

“We are heartbroken at losing her, she had so much to live for. We miss her so much. Her family was all her pets.

“She just liked having fun and she loved pink, and as well as her house being pink inside and out, all her clothes were pink too.”

Kathy’s pets, which included tarantulas, cats, a cocker spaniel dog, a tortoise and Nelly the swearing parrot, were re-homed after her tragic death.


Neighbours in Whiting Avenue have mixed reaction to the corner pink house being re-painted white with some say it should have remained the same but others say it “better blends into the street.”

Resident Roy Davis, who had re-painted the house in pink, second time round, just a few years ago, said: “The pink definitely stood out and now it’s back white again it blends better into the street.

“When I saw it had been painted white again, the original colour, I was surprised. But if they can’t sell it pink it needs to be white, or a lighter shade.”

“She was a character. She would even walk her pet lizard, this huge long thing, down the road and she would wear everything pink.”

His wife Maxine Davis, who helped garden for pet-mad Kathy,: “She was a lovely, amazing lady and we’d say to anyone who buys her house ‘Please keep it pink!’

“It must not change colour, it would be a shame.”

Tesco supermarket assistant Maxine added: “People have to realise it is a Toton landmark. It must stay!”

But, like her husband, she appreciated buyers may have been put off by the exterior shade.

The spacious semi is up for sale with local Robert Ellis estate agent for a price of £220,00 to £230,000.

Sales negotiator Leah Warren told The Sun Online: “It was not our decision to re-paint the house white, it was the vendor.

“It’s been on the market for months but so far, while being pink, we only had two viewings, and no offers.

“Now it is white it may generate more interest. Pink may have caught the eye of some people but it’s probably best to be white.”

We’d hate to lose the Pink House – it’s sad enough without having Kathy here any more.”

Tracey Broadhurst

The estate agent had previously marketed the pink property as a “distinctive two or three bed semi which offers the opportunity for a new owner to stamp their own mark on it.”

They added on their website: “Due to the exterior paintwork, which could easily be changed by a new owner, this is probably one of the most recognised houses in the Toton area to be placed on the market for some time.”

Neighbour Tracey Broadhurst – Maxine’s sister – previously said: “We’d hate to lose the Pink House, it’s sad enough without having Kathy here any more.

“She was so cheerful and always smiling and waving – it would be such a shame to the local community if it wasn’t kept pink to remember Kathy.”

Neighbour Dave Collingham said: “Kathy’s house was a very vivid colour but it is irrelevant to me whether it stays pink or not – we’ll never forget Kathy, she was a one off.”

The retired Boots warehouse worker told how Kathy, who lived alone, had a beloved pet Spaniel which died just several weeks before she did, and that her health deteriorated after her loss.

A fellow resident, who declined to be named, said: “I think after Kathy’s passing changing the colour of her home was a sensible move.

“When she lived there it worked because it matched her colourful personality but now she’s gone it’s right the place has been toned down to hopefully suit another person or family.”

A bench – surprisingly not pink but green – has been placed by her family at nearby Manor Farm Recreation Ground.

It was described as Kathy Charles' legacy before being painted over


It was described as Kathy Charles’ legacy before being painted overCredit: Tracey Kandohla

This post first appeared on thesun.co.uk

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