Parts of England could run out of water in the near future. It’s the result of 30 years of industry and political failure

  • Feargal Sharkey is a campaigner and former leader singer of the Undertones

It came to me while I was standing on a river bank. It was such a ridiculous, nonsensical idea that I instantly tried to dismiss it. But it was like the wiggliest of wiggly earworms that just won’t leave you alone, like a tune that just keeps boring its way into your mind. That melody was: London is running out of drinking water.

Don’t take my word for it. Try the National Audit Office, which looked into the country’s looming water crisis two years ago and concluded: “If more concerted action is not taken now, parts of the south and south-east of England will run out of water within the next 20 years.” And it’s not just London – the same report warned that water shortages are an impending risk for all of the UK.

Feargal Sharkey is a campaigner and former lead singer of the Undertones

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