Belinda Fowler says she feels like she’s being punished repeatedly for not owning her home. Plus letters from David Thomas and Suzanne Muna

It was heartbreaking to read about the experiences of Chanel Sultan and her young family (Rats, mould, damp: one woman’s story reveals the ugly truth about the UK’s biggest housing association, 17 February). But unfortunately it was not shocking. The total dereliction of duty shown by the housing association – except to its shareholders – is sickening but, again, not shocking. Why? Because we live in a world where the haves are oblivious to, or ignoring, everyone else struggling beneath them.

Tragically, many like Sultan are left to drown in a world where even rats are treated better. I was forced to return to the UK from overseas, following a relationship breakup. I returned with three young children and two large suitcases. In the 15 years since then, I have been evicted three times by private landlords and forced to find a new home for my family in a very short time, while covering all the costs of moving by going further into debt. Each time the landlord has been either selling up or planning to raise the rent. On separate occasions, we were driven out by black mould, and by an overflowing septic tank.

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