Latest updates: Angela Rayner denies being involved in plan to challenge Keir Starmer for leadership if Labour loses West Yorkshire byelection

Good morning. In Batley and Spen voters have started going to the polls in a byelection that has become a crucial test for Sir Keir Starmer. It is not certain the party will lose, but many Labour figures think that this is highly likely, and if that does happen, it will trigger an intense debate about the extent to which Starmer’s leadership is responsible (or accelerate it – because that debate has already begun.) A Survation poll in June had the Conservatives on course to come first in Batley and Spen by six points; if they do win, it would mean the governing party has gained a seat from the opposition twice in byelections within two months – a feat which would be unprecedented in modern times.

The prospect of a Labour defeat has already prompted a lot of chatter about a possible leadership challenge, and today the Times (paywall) has a story saying Angela Rayner’s supporters are on manoeuvres. It says:

Supporters of Angela Rayner are preparing for her to challenge Sir Keir Starmer’s leadership of Labour if the party loses the by-election in Batley & Spen today.

MPs close to the deputy leader have been canvassing support among parliamentary colleagues and trade unions, The Times has learnt. Allies of Starmer are braced for an unprecedented leadership contest from his deputy.

The ‘story’ on the front page of @thetimes tomorrow is news to me.

Related: Galloway bid for Batley and Spen seat mired in intimidation claims

Related: Batley and Spen byelection: voters head to polls after bitter campaign battle

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