On Friday last week, I received a rather excited call from the post room here at Daily Mail towers.

More than 1,000 letters had arrived for us in just three days.

When the crate made its way to my desk, it was immediately clear that every single envelope contained the coupon we had printed in the paper to gather support for our ‘Pick up or Pay up’ campaign.

Your backing: We have received thousands of letters and emails supporting our 'Pick up or Pay up' campaign to impose fines of firms if they fail to pick up the phone within in ten minutes

Your backing: We have received thousands of letters and emails supporting our 'Pick up or Pay up' campaign to impose fines of firms if they fail to pick up the phone within in ten minutes

Your backing: We have received thousands of letters and emails supporting our ‘Pick up or Pay up’ campaign to impose fines of firms if they fail to pick up the phone within in ten minutes

Since then, two more crates of letters have arrived, along with hundreds of emails.

So when I said in my column last Wednesday that I had been amazed by your response to our campaign, I stand corrected. Consider me blown away.

In my ten years at Money Mail, I have never seen such overwhelming support — nor an overflowing postbag quite like this.

We are calling for a new consumer protection law that would see firms hit with hefty fines if they fail to pick up the phone within ten minutes.

We also want businesses to be made to publish their daily call wait times on their websites.

And it’s abundantly clear we’ve struck a nerve because thousands of you have now backed these demands in writing.

But it’s no wonder you are fed up. As revealed here, we have spent the past few weeks calling major companies to monitor their call wait times.

Yet it’s not only the length of time customers are being left on hold that’s the issue. Just finding the right number to call is a challenge. Many websites refuse to reveal it unless you prove you cannot solve your problem online.

This means answering reams of questions — and dodging constant prompts to use the company’s online chatbot service.

Virgin Media even had the cheek to remind customers online to ‘only get in touch if you need to’ — I can’t imagine many people are calling for fun.

Once you have found the telephone number, you are then required to press a tedious number of buttons before the wait to speak to a human even begins.

Many demand you key in your account details or speak into the phone before you can go any further.

And all the while an automated voice tells you again and again that your query could probably be answered online — which is particularly frustrating for the thousands of elderly and vulnerable people who don’t use the internet.

HMRC even had the gall to ask if we wanted to engage in a customer service feedback survey before we had spoken to anyone.

Meanwhile, some firms are just hanging up on people. E.ON and BT both did this and then texted us to try to resolve our query.

Others just said we could not be put through ‘due to a high volume of calls’ and that was that.

This is not customer service. It’s a nightmare. So please keep your letters of support coming.

Offering to help

One again, I have been left in awe of Money Mail readers’ generosity. Last week, I wrote in this column about a pensioner called James Scott who had lost a stone in weight because he cannot afford to eat more than two meals a day.

Since then, four readers have contacted me to say they were so saddened by the tale that they would like to send him some money.

One woman, Pippy, said: ‘I felt compelled to write to ask if I may help in some way. I am by no means rich, just a granny in her 60s on disability allowance. 

But I am fortunate to have enough income to cover my bills and food. It breaks my heart to know that in England, in the 21st century, we still have such poverty.’

Another reader, Colin, added: ‘Am I able to send a few quid to help James? I’m a pensioner, too. I could help with £20 or £30 towards some food until this fuel crisis is correctly addressed.’

Inspired by your kind words, I have donated the £150 council tax rebate I received last month on your behalf to the soup kitchen Amazing Grace in Blackpool, where James visits.

And the Daily Mail has agreed to top this up to £500. So thank you for your truly heart-warming emails.

[email protected]

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This post first appeared on Dailymail.co.uk

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