Do you get the creeping dread at the end of the weekend? It’s time to build some healthy boundaries

A few years ago, I was in the kitchen of a friend’s house preparing for a meal. When we sat down to eat, my friend’s wife wolfed down her supper and then disappeared into another room to do some work. He smiled and said: “Sunday nights are the new Monday mornings around here.”

I was surprised at the time. Now, a few years later, I find myself behaving in exactly the same way. Sunday night has become work time. When I open up my calendar on Sunday evening, a subtle sense of dread comes over me. I feel as if I am behind before the week has even begun. By the time Monday morning rolls around, I am already beginning to feel exhausted.

André Spicer is professor of organisational behaviour at the Bayes Business School at City, University of London. He is the author of the book Business Bullshit

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