Readers respond to the revelation of a ‘bring your own booze’ email about drinks in the Downing Street garden during lockdown

It used to be “follow the money”, but nowadays it’s follow the emails (Leaked email about drinks event at No 10 explodes Johnson’s defences, 10 January). For Partygate, like Watergate, the cynical deceit of the cover-up matches the arrogant stupidity of the initial offence. A hundred people got invitations to the “bring your own booze” party, but until now none thought to make this public. They stayed silent even when, responding to the press conference mockery, Boris Johnson did his Captain Renault impersonation, pretending to be “shocked” that any of his staff made light of lockdown restrictions. Presumably it will have to be a limousine rather than a Nixonian helicopter, but one lives in hope of a similar outcome.
Dr Colin J Smith
West Kirby, Wirral

• Is it my imagination that during the pandemic Boris Johnson has attended more unlawful gatherings than he has Cobra meetings? Is he seeking to rebrand his party as the Conservative party party party?
David Caleb
Ealing, London

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