I’m not saying This Morning has started a revolution, but maybe we’ve had our fill of a few getting ahead while the many line up for scraps

With the pageantry and spectacle of the past fortnight set against a backdrop of impending destitution, it would be hard to imagine Britain could descend any further into an embarrassingly unequal hellscape. Liz Truss’s “mini-budget” on Friday was very much a “hold my beer” response, as our new prime minister ended up out-class(war)ing an event that literally revolved around a diamond-encrusted crown.

I say “mini-budget” but according to Truss it was actually a “fiscal event”, which is a Real Thing and not just something she made up in an attempt to prevent scrutiny from the Office for Budget Responsibility. Call me old-fashioned, but when the prime minister is refusing to call a budget a budget in order to hide the damage her policies could cause, the rest of us can be forgiven for getting a little worried. Rebrand a shark a labrador, and it’ll still bite your face off.

Frances Ryan is a Guardian columnist

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