Take action: Record numbers of bereaved families are paying inheritance tax

Take action: Record numbers of bereaved families are paying inheritance tax

Take action: Record numbers of bereaved families are paying inheritance tax

Record numbers of bereaved families are paying inheritance tax on the estates of their loved ones – and the total is expected to continue rising unless people take preventative action.

Once, inheritance tax only used to affect the very wealthiest households. 

But over the years, spiralling house and asset prices mean increasing numbers of middle-class families are being caught in its net.

Allowances which enable you to pass on a certain amount of wealth tax-free have also been frozen for years – decades in some cases. 

As a result, as much as £5.2 billion paid in the eight months to last November – a £400 million increase in one year alone. 

However, if you think your estate may attract inheritance tax when you pass away, there are ten tricks you might employ to fortify your family treasure.

Although inheritance tax is one of the most hated and feared levies, few end up paying it. 

Around four per cent of estates attract it – the rest are small enough that they can be passed on inheritance tax-free. 

There have also been rumours that the Government is considering changing the inheritance tax rules as a pre-election giveaway – either by increasing the allowances or scrapping it altogether.

However, unless changes are made, inheritance tax is likely to continue to trap a growing number of estates – especially in areas where house prices have been rising. 

> Inheritance tax guide: How it is calculated and what families must know 

Should you spend it… or be happy to pay tax? 

Before running through the allowances and tricks available to reduce your bill, it’s worth mentioning two that sometimes get overlooked.

First, you could enjoy your money in your own lifetime. It is easy to become fixated on passing on a legacy to loved ones, but if you are worried about exceeding your allowances – which stretch as high as £1 million in some cases – you are already well placed to pass on a substantial sum. 

Spending and enjoying the money that you have earned could improve your own quality of life and reduce the tax bill on whatever is left when you pass away.

Second, inheritance tax is often cast as a cruel tax that takes money from deserving loved ones and hands it over to the evil taxman. But money collected through inheritance tax goes towards Government spending, where around two thirds is spent on public services such as the NHS and schools and another quarter goes on social security such as universal credit and the state pension.

Paying a portion of your wealth when you are gone to support the society in which you lived can be seen as a valuable legacy – and this would only happen once you have happily already handed a substantial sum to loved ones tax free.

Everyone has a tax-free allowance of £325,000. That means that if the value of your estate – including property, investments and all other assets – is under this sum, there will be no inheritance tax to pay.

Married couples and those in civil partnerships can combine their allowances to pass on £650,000 jointly tax free. They can also pass wealth between each other tax-free. 

Everything over these allowances is taxed at a flat 40 per cent. Yet, there are a number of simple and perfectly legal steps you can take during your lifetime to ensure a lower bill when you pass away.

While we’ve given a flavour of what is possible, in many cases you may need expert advice from a solicitor or financial planner and should look into how the rules apply to your own circumstances.

Record numbers of bereaved families are paying inheritance tax on the estates of their loved ones – and the total is expected to continue rising unless people take preventative action

1. Pass on a family home to avoid a tax bill

There is a further generous allowance designed to help people pass on a family home tax-free. This increases your allowance to £500,000 – or £1 million for couples – if you own a property that you intend to pass on to your direct descendants.

To benefit from this so-called residence nil rate band, you must pass on your home to a descendant, such as a child or grandchild.

Also beware that once the value of an estate breaches £2 million, this allowance is gradually phased out. Your allowance is cut by £1 for every £2 that your estate is worth above the threshold. Should it be worth £2.3 million or more, this allowance is removed completely. 

Therefore, it may be appropriate in some cases to gift assets during your lifetime if you wish to reduce your estate to below the £2 million threshold. You may also need to be careful if downsizing.

Elsa Littlewood, a tax partner at accountancy firm BDO, says: ‘If you downsize, say from a £500,000 property to a £250,000 property (or sell and no longer own a home outright), you may still be able to benefit from the full residence nil rate band entitlement, but only if you meet a number of conditions.’

Seek expert advice before going ahead if you think you might be in this position.

2. Make gifts earlier rather than later

You can give away as much wealth as you like during your lifetime tax-free – so long as you survive for seven years afterwards.

However, under this seven-year rule, the closer to seven full years you survive, the less tax will be payable on the gift.

So, if you die within three years, inheritance tax is payable at 40 per cent. But if it’s between three and four years, the tax is 32 per cent; four and five years it’s 24 per cent; five and six it’s 16 per cent; and six to seven it’s 8 per cent. 

Therefore, if you know you want certain friends or loved ones to benefit from your wealth, it may be worth considering if you would like to make gifts while you are still around rather than waiting until they inherit them. Keep good records of what you have given and when.

3. Use your gifting allowances

You can make gifts of up to £3,000 a year that are immediately exempt from inheritance tax. You can also make unlimited small gifts of £250.

Married couples and those in civil partnerships can pass money and assets between each other and do not have to worry at all about inheritance tax.

4. Be generous on special occasions

If your son or daughter gets married, you can gift them up to £5,000 free of inheritance tax. You can give a grandchild £2,500 on their wedding, and £1,000 to anyone else.

5. Make regular gifts out of your income

You can pass on as much money as you like tax-free – as long as it comes from your income rather than existing assets.

Gifts made this way are immediately tax-free; are not affected by the seven-year rule; and won’t incur a bill.

This could include, for example, giving money from your salary, an income from buy-to-let properties or from your investment portfolio.

In order to qualify, the gifts must follow a regular pattern and should not affect your everyday standard of living.

Such gifts must be made out of surplus funds, which means your beneficiaries may have to show the HMRC your bank statements to prove you did not need to spend that money on anything else.

There is no limit to how much you can give in this way. However, it is important that you keep good records, for example of the sums you intend to gift and the frequency. A letter to the beneficiary outlining your plans is a good starting point.

6. Leave money to charity

Any gifts left to charity in your will are excluded from your estate for inheritance tax calculations. Not only this, you can also reduce the inheritance tax rate payable on your estate from 40 to 36 per cent by giving to charity.

To benefit, you must give at least ten per cent of your net estate – the part that attracts inheritance tax – to charity in your will.

7. Pass on your pensions

If you gift a pension to a loved one, they may be able to inherit it tax-free. There is no tax to pay if the giver dies before the age of 75, and if they are over that age, it is taxed at the receiver’s normal income tax rate.

These benefits apply to defined contribution pensions – in other words pensions that are paid into by an employer and employee and the size of which is determined by the amount of contributions and investment returns.

Defined benefit – including final salary – pensions do not have this advantage.

8. Set up a trust to take more control

Trusts allow you to give away money during your lifetime, but to retain some control over it. They can be a good way to pass money to children or grandchildren if you are worried about how they might spend it.

Trusts are a legal arrangement where you can hold assets such as cash or investments that are put aside for someone else, such as your children or grandchildren.

Assets held in trust are considered as not belonging to you so, if they are set up correctly, they shouldn’t count as part of your estate when calculating if any inheritance tax is due.

The trust is looked after by trustees, who are legally responsible for managing the assets for the person or people who will ultimately benefit from them.

When you set up a trust, you decide the rules. For example, you may decide that beneficiaries can only access the assets once they reach the age of 18 or 25.

Trusts vary in complexity, but even the simplest require professional help from a financial planner or lawyer to set up.

There are a number of different types of trust and tax rules vary depending on which you choose.

9. Put a life insurance policy into trust

Life insurance policies pay out to your loved ones when you die. However, if you set one up correctly in a trust, the policy is not considered part of your estate and thus is paid out straight after your death and without incurring a tax bill.

You can appoint one or more beneficiaries who will be paid the full policy sum when you die. Again, you probably need expert advice.

Some people choose to set up a life insurance policy to the value that they believe their loved ones will be required to pay out in inheritance tax on their estate. However, premiums can be high and there is complexity involved.

10. Tricks if you have a very large estate

The tips above tend to be the simplest and most common ways to reduce tax bills. There are further options, but all will certainly need expert advice and tend to only be useful for those facing especially large bills.

For example, if you are a farmer or landowner and wish to pass on the business, you may benefit from special exemptions. However, there are strict rules about what is and isn’t covered.

There are also protections for trading businesses left to family members. To qualify for business property relief you will need to meet a number of criteria.

There are also niche investments in small business ventures, that incentivise people to invest by giving some inheritance tax protection. These investments, known as Seed Enterprise Investment Schemes, allow you to support fledgling UK businesses, but come with considerable risk.

They tend to only be considered once the more easily obtained inheritance tax allowances have been used.

This post first appeared on Dailymail.co.uk

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