From the profanity to the shaky cinematography, I have finally had my fill of the hit drama. I’ll say this for the makers though, they do know when to stop

Every now and then I generously offer my opinion on why everyone’s favourite TV show or movie is actually pretty stupid and it doesn’t tend to go down very well. My thoughts on Game of Thrones caused an absolute bloodbath in my online mentions. This time I’m prepared for the backlash: I’ve locked my Twitter account and started planning my “I’ve been cruelly silenced by the masses” speaking tour. Do your worst, everyone, I’m ready to be cancelled!

Here we go then: I’m sorry to say this, but Succession, the award-winning HBO show, is overrated. Season one, I’ll gladly admit, was incredible. Season two was just as good. But after that, it started getting meh. It is the same old story over and over again: rich people backstabbing rich people and swearing a lot as they wallow in opulent misery. I’m a big fan of swearing, but it gets a bit much when every other word is an expletive. There were apparently 2,071 “fucks” in the first three series of Succession and no episode had fewer than 40 uses. The finale of season three had 119. My problem isn’t the crassness, it’s just that it all feels a little contrived. It’s as if the writers have mistaken profanity for profundity.

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