HOSTING FOR THE HOLIDAYS is a prospect that can elicit both excitement and panic. Thankfully, with the judicious use of the tech you already have (and some not-so-expensive upgrades), you can get your home entertainment-ready, accommodate house guests comfortably and clean up without falling into a Scroogey mood. Here, a checklist of what you should do. 


Factor in Safety 

Even if you aren’t hosting, winter presents a good opportunity to do a full home-safety check, says Elizabeth Dodson, co-founder of HomeZada, a software that helps people manage all the devices in their home. Swap out HVAC filters, clean out your fume hoods and check to make sure your dryer vent duct is clear. Another related yet oft-overlooked task? Make sure your smoke detectors work. Conventional models are fine, but it might be worth investing in a smart smoke detector like the Google Nest Protect ($119) or Owl Wired ($179) before guests arrive. If one ever goes off, you can silence it with your phone or smartwatch, ensuring that your tipsy cousin doesn’t attempt to get up on a step stool.

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