Latest updates: Labour’s Mayor of London to say that the UK needs ‘greater alignment with our European neighbours’ to help economy

Good morning. Britain has now been legally out of the EU for almost three years, and practically out of the EU (following the end of the transition period) for two years. Increasingly, people view this as a mistake. Here is a graph from the What UK Thinks website showing what has happened to the polling since 2016 on the question was Britain right or wrong to leave. The green line represents wrong.

If you look at the graph on the What UK Thinks website, you can read the results of all 241 polls on this it has tracked.

Khan will argue that politicians “can’t keep quiet” about the damage that Brexit is doing. He will say:

I simply can’t keep quiet about the immense damage Brexit is doing.

Ministers seem to have developed selective amnesia when it comes to one of the root causes of our problems.

Khan will call for a “pragmatic debate” about the case for rejoining the single market and the customs union. Starmer has firmly rejected both these options. But Khan will say:

After two years of denial and avoidance, we must now confront the hard truth: Brexit isn’t working.

It’s weakened our economy, fractured our union and diminished our reputation. But, crucially, not beyond repair.

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