A record number of buy-to-let landlords set up holding companies for their properties last year, in a bid to swerve higher taxes. 

There were 41,700 new companies were formed in 2020 – an increase of 23 per cent on 2019, according to estate agent Hampton International. 

Buy-to-let incorporations were the second most common type of company founded in 2020, second only to firms selling goods online or by mail order.

More buy-to-let landlords set up holding companies than ever before in 2020

More buy-to-let landlords set up holding companies than ever before in 2020

More buy-to-let landlords set up holding companies than ever before in 2020 

More companies were set up to hold buy-to-let properties between the beginning of 2016 and the end of 2020 than in the preceding 50 years combined.

There are now a total of 228,743 buy-to-let companies up and running, an all-time record.

Of the new holding companies set up last year, 34 per cent were based in London.

Hamptons said that this was partly because, with houses being more expensive there, landlords’ mortgage bills were likely to be higher. 

Increasing the amount of mortgage interest you can deduct from your tax bill is one of the reasons why landlords switch from holding properties in their personal name to a company. 

A series of tax changes for buy-to-let landlords were introduced in 2016, since which time the number of buy-to-let incorporations has risen by 128 per cent.   

Buy-to-let companies were the second most popular type of firm to set up in 2020

Buy-to-let companies were the second most popular type of firm to set up in 2020

Buy-to-let companies were the second most popular type of firm to set up in 2020

A three per cent stamp duty surcharge for investors and those buying second homes came in to force that year, and the proportion of interest deductible from tax on buy-to-let properties held in personal names also began to be phased out.

Landlords who hold properties in a limited company can offset 100 per cent of their mortgage interest against profits, while those that hold property in their own name can offset just 20 per cent.

For example, someone who owned a £250,000 property with a 75 per cent loan-to-value mortgage via a limited company, and generated £1,000 per month in rent, would pay around £1,033 per year in tax. 

Tax payable during the 2020/21 tax year, on a £250,000 property with 75% LTV mortgage

Tax payable during the 2020/21 tax year, on a £250,000 property with 75% LTV mortgage

Tax payable during the 2020/21 tax year, on a £250,000 property with 75% LTV mortgage 

A lower-rate taxpayer owning the same property in their own name would pay 42 per cent more, or £1,463 each year, while a higher-rate taxpayer would pay 274 per cent more, or £3,863.

There is a drawback of owning buy-to-let properties in a limited company, which is that mortgage interest rates tend to be higher. 

For this reason, setting up a company to hold buy-to-let property tends to benefit higher-income taxpayers, or those with multiple properties.

Landlords who own multiple properties benefit most from being in a limited company

Landlords who own multiple properties benefit most from being in a limited company

Landlords who own multiple properties benefit most from being in a limited company

Aneisha Beveridge, head of research at Hamptons, said: ‘Despite growth of the private rented sector slowing in recent years, an increasing proportion of buy-to-let purchases are now being held in limited companies.

‘We estimate that around half of all rental properties bought today are being put into a company, up from close to one-in-five during 2016. 

‘While most of this growth has been driven by larger landlords, smaller landlords -particularly those who are higher rate taxpayers – have also reaped the tax saving benefits from incorporating.’

Beveridge also said that mortgage rates were coming down for landlords that owned properties in a limited company.

‘As the company buy-to-let market has matured, more mortgage lenders have entered the space,’ she said.

‘Back in 2016 there were just a handful of lenders who offered company buy-to-let mortgages, often at a greater premium than today.

‘But with more high street names entering the limited company space in recent years, competition has driven down interest rates to within a percentage point of similar products designed for landlords purchasing in their own name.’

Rental growth on the rise

Increases in rental growth may also have contributed to the spike in new buy-to-let holding companies.

This has been driven by a reduction in the number of rental homes on the market.

Year-on-year rental growth rose from 1.4 per cent in October, to 3 per cent in November and 4.1 per cent in December, according to Hamptons. This is the fastest rate of rental growth recorded in more than four and a half years, since July 2016.

All nine regions of England saw rents rise during December, with rental growth also turning positive in Wales.

Rental growth increased in every region of the UK last year, although it fell in inner London

Rental growth increased in every region of the UK last year, although it fell in inner London

Rental growth increased in every region of the UK last year, although it fell in inner London

Rents in London as a whole began to rise in November for the first time since the start of the pandemic, following eight months of falls, in December growth jumped from 0.3 per cent to 1.6 per cent.

However, rents in Inner London remained substantially lower than last year, having fallen by 11.5 per cent between December 2019 and December 2020.

‘December marked the first time since the onset of the pandemic that prospective tenant numbers surpassed 2019 levels,’ said Beveridge.

‘At the same time, the number of rental homes on the market fell by double-digit percentages in every English region outside London.

‘This has driven rental growth up significantly over the last three months to a point where rents are rising faster than house price growth in almost every region.’

This post first appeared on Dailymail.co.uk

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