Don’t wait until you have just one year more in service before you start preparing for your retirement. In fact, retirement is better prepared for from day one at work. If you are yet to prepare for retirement, do not wait till tomorrow. Start now! Do the following:
1. Develop a Good Attitude to Work.
Most employees, especially civil servants, teachers In public schools, workers of government parastatals, etc. Do you have the wrong attitude to work? Many will get to the office late, sleep at work, or turn their offices into supermarkets (selling everything they can) and close earlier than the stipulated time.
Their attitudes are:
- I will work if you pay me first
- I am doing my employers a great favour by working in this organization and they must be grateful for this
- I will work when my employer is watching, but nothing will be done if he is not around
- I will not sacrifice if I can avoid it
- I will not sow although I must reap notwithstanding.
These attitudes are wrong if you want a better tomorrow. Many people think that they can work carelessly in somebody’s Work and then change when they are on their own. This is not true. The truth is, the way you do somebody’s job, either private or government, is the same way you will work on your own.
For example, if you are used to waking up by 8.30 am and getting to the office by noon and you have practiced this for 30 years, how do you think you can be successful in your own business since you have cultivated a lazy attitude? If you want a better tomorrow, form a good habit to work today. To confirm the point am trying to make, go to government offices by 9 am and you will be surprised at what you will see. By 10 am, the majority will get to work, and by 2.30 pm, they are all on their way home. No wonder most of them become useless in retirement because they have not learned to exercise their body and make their brains sweat.
2. Be Productive.
Larry Bucket said The best retirement plan for anybo0y the ability to earn a living after 64 or 70 years old. I would encourage you to begin to look for an alternative vocation after you retire. I had earlier recommended going to a vocational school and studying a trade in your spare time.” It is easier to die quickly when you are no more A recent university survey on 200, 65-year-old men who were graduates of their school eliminating those with bad health, heart trouble, and so on was carried out, maintaining contact with these men from ages 65 to 75 years. One half of the study group retired at 65 and the other had continued one career or the other. At age 75 of the group that had retired, 6 out of 7 had died; of the group that did not retire, 6 out of 7 were still alive.
3. Save Money Now!
You will need money to start another vocation; do not devour your future. Save money, do so now!
4. Invest Money
Don’t just save money, invest it. Invest in government bonds, landed properties, stock, etc. One retiree told me recently that he was worth N8,000,000 in shares and he started buying shares with just N20, saved several years ago. What an investment! What a bright future! Invest, so that you can have something to harvest in future
5. Have a Sizeable Number of Children
You should have two to four children. This is enough. Too many children will give you so many Please have a smaller number of children.
6. Use the “Half System”
To aid your savings, use the ‘half system’. Imagine you are earning half of your present salary, what will happen? How will you live your life? Then try to spend half and save the other half and let’s see what will happen. The truth is, the more money you have the more wasteful you become. SAVE HALF TODAY, LIVE IN FULL TOMORROW!
7. Final-Year Spending
Let’s assume you are not the founder of that establishment and this year is the final year you have to work as it is mandatory that you have to go on compulsory retirement due to your age. Imagine it. How will you spend your money? What will you do? How will you save your money? What will you learn? Then do them now. Do not wait till the final year, that may be too late. Do something now!
8. Re-invent Yourself
Learn, read books, and be computer literate. Develop yourself, keep improving yourself, and attend seminars, conferences, and other programs that can enrich you. Pray the more. Get more promotions, know more than what your position requires become an expert in your area of calling more than your mates.
9. Have a Good Relationship
Your success or otherwise depends on Building a good relationship today: you may need it tomorrow. What a million naira cannot do, a single relationship could settle it.
10. Expert Advice
Before you invest your money in anything, make sure you contact experts. Let them lead you even if it means paying them; please do not Get in touch with them; let them direct you. Wisdom is profitable in getting a sense of direction.
11. Communicate Your Vision to Your Spouse and Children
Let your spouse and children know your plan, vision, and goals. Pray together about them; let them know the sacrifice that must be made before the vision is achieved.
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