April 28, 2023, 3:07 PM UTC


More than one in four Americans say they themselves, their family, a friend or a coworker has been the victim of gun violence, according to a new national NBC News poll.

Twenty-eight percent say that they have been affected by gun violence in that way, while 72% say that they have not.

But the gun violence experience does not appear to be shared evenly across the country, with significant demographic and partisan differences.

Just 20% of Republicans say that they or someone in their orbit has been a victim of gun violence, compared to 30% of independents and 34% of Democrats.

People of color were more likely to say they’ve experienced gun violence through this lens than white people. Among whites, 23% say that themselves or someone in their orbit is a gun violence victim, compared to 31% of Hispanics and 46% of Blacks.

The NBC News poll was conducted April 14-18 of 1,000 adults — including 861 reached by cell phone — and it has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points.

Source: | This article originally belongs to Nbcnews.com

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