Though it’s a cliche, a pet is for life, not just for Christmas. And as we race towards yuletide, it’s a message many households would be wise to heed, especially if a pedigree dog is on the family’s list to Santa.

I say this after speaking to 65-year-old Pauline Parsons, who has owned cats and a dog on and off for the past 30 years. 

Pauline, married to 75-year-old Alan and living in Gloucester, is never happier than when surrounded by pets, and is comforted by the unconditional love they offer.

‘Many people like me and Alan need pets in our lives,’ she says. 

Warning: Pauline Parsons spent £9,700 on insurance premiums for Bruce over his eight-year life

Warning: Pauline Parsons spent £9,700 on insurance premiums for Bruce over his eight-year life

Yet Pauline warns that owning a pet can put immense pressure on the household finances if health issues bubble to the surface and vets’ bills need to be paid – especially with pet insurance premiums starting to move skywards.

Earlier this year, in response to an article I wrote on rising pet insurance premiums, Pauline told me how expensive it was proving to keep her eight-year-old pug Bruce in good health.

Pugs, like many other pedigree dogs, are prone to health issues – in this breed’s case, breathing problems caused by skin folds in the mouth, as well as eye ulcers.

Sadly, just over two weeks ago, Bruce was put down after an unwinnable three-month battle against cancer.

‘He has left a massive hole in our lives,’ says Pauline.

While Pauline would love to get another canine companion, she says she would be far more selective in the breed she chose. Indeed, she would probably opt for a crossbreed or a rescue dog.

Last week, she totted up the costs she and Alan incurred looking after Bruce – and insuring him in the case of serious illness. They were mind-blowing.

Pauline estimates that they spent more than £14,600 on Bruce during his lifetime. The bulk of this sum – £9,700 – was on insurance premiums.

The rest comprised vets’ bills not covered by the insurance because of the policy excess, the cost of regular injections, flea and worming treatments, and paying for grooming and nail clipping.

It excluded food costs and other paraphernalia such as baskets, harnesses and leads.

While she accepts insurance has proved invaluable, meeting about £12,000 of claims (most in the last three months of Bruce’s life), he proved an expensive companion.

‘We adored Bruce and we miss him every day,’ she says. ‘We would love to have another pug, but the combined cost of insurance premiums and veterinary bills makes that a non-starter.’

She says the rising cost of keeping a dog is resulting in some households handing them in. It is also preventing many, especially the elderly, from keeping them as companions.

The owners of veterinary practices – many of which are now run by profit-obsessed private equity firms – have a lot to answer for, charging customers (and insurers) a fortune for their services.

‘Unless you have deep pockets,’ warns Pauline, ‘think carefully before buying a pet – for Christmas or at any other time.’

Caveat emptor – let the buyer beware.

Don’t blame the weather for a 486% price surge

A big thank you to all those readers who have been in contact, stating that their renewal premium increase for either car or home cover beat the 220 per cent that Dennis Favish was asked to pay.

As I reported seven days ago, Esure – Dennis’s insurer – wanted to jack up his annual home cover premium from £216.54 to £693.15. 

The reason given was changing weather conditions where he lives – Stanmore in Middlesex. 

He subsequently found alternative cover with the Co-op for £308. So far, the biggest increase at renewal that I have seen was received by Chris Ling, from near Romsey in Hampshire. 

He has had home insurance with Sheilas’ Wheels for the past four years, paying £169.70, £205.18, £212.42 and most recently £208.71.

Yet the renewal price for cover starting this Wednesday came in at £1,223.55, an increase of 486 per cent. Like Dennis, he was told that ‘changes to weather patterns’ were responsible for the rise.

Chris can only surmise that a small stream 120 metres from his house may be responsible for the steep increase in the premium, although his home sits in ‘flood zone 1’. This means a less than 0.1 per cent annual probability of river or sea flooding.

He has also not made a claim on a home insurance policy for 42 years.

‘I suspect someone at Sheilas’ Wheels has been rather overzealous in repricing my cover,’ says Chris.

Is it no coincidence that Sheilas’ Wheels is owned by Esure, Dennis’s home insurer?

Perturbing: Readers have complained about insurers jettisoning them rather than inviting them to renew their cover

Perturbing: Readers have complained about insurers jettisoning them rather than inviting them to renew their cover

Mystery of the ditched customers

In recent weeks, a number of readers have been in contact to complain about insurers jettisoning them rather than inviting them to renew their cover.

Although shopping around at renewal invariably makes great financial sense, this new trend is a rather perturbing one. For a start, it can leave vulnerable customers (especially those who are not internet savvy) struggling to find alternative cover.

It can also cause some people to panic, thinking they are being expunged because they have done something wrong. A situation not helped by the lack of detail as to why their custom is no longer wanted.

For example, one customer who has just received such a communication from General Accident (part of Aviva) was told his car insurance would not be renewed next month because he no longer meets the company’s ‘underwriting criteria’.

No further explanation was given with the email ending: ‘Our inability to invite your renewal [sic] should not be considered as an insurance refusal or cancellation and does not need to be disclosed to any other current or future insurers.’

Apart from ensuring future emails are grammatically correct, General Accident should be telling customers why they are no longer wanted.

Underwriters are the people who price policies according to how likely they think a claim will be made.

In the case of car cover, they will consider factors such as a driver’s age, their claims history, make of car and its security, and local crime figures.

I suspected that in the case of this General Accident customer, who has a 12-year no-claims discount, his age (71) might have had something to do with it.

Insurers don’t like elderly drivers because alongside younger motorists (17- and 18-year-olds) they account for a large proportion of overall claims.

But Aviva said age was not the reason. It said it had incomplete information on the customer. On Friday, in response to my enquiries, it issued a renewal premium. Miraculous.

Syston gets banking hub it was promised in 2021 

It has taken considerable time, but Syston in Leicestershire has finally got the banking hub it was promised back in December 2021.

The hub’s installation in the town’s community centre means residents and small businesses will be able to use it to do their banking – and on specific days speak to a representative from their own bank.

It has been well received. Rosemarie and Len Collins, both retired, are delighted.

Rosemarie, 73, says: ‘The town has been bankless since the summer of 2021 when Santander closed its branch. But with new housing estates cropping up all over the place, there is a real demand for a high street bank in Syston.’

In the New Year, the hub will move to a permanent home – the old Santander branch.

‘We are no longer out in the cold,’ proclaims Rosemarie, triumphantly. A small step for banking common sense.


This post first appeared on

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