Fravor and Dietrich went to investigate the tic-tac object.

“We saw this little white Tic-Tac-looking object, and it’s just kind of moving above the whitewater area,” Fravor said.

Dietrich recalled the object had no predictable movement or trajectory.

As Fravor flew down for a closer look, he said the object turned abruptly and started to approach him, mirroring his movement.

“It was aware we were there,” Fravor said.

He described the object as similar in size to his aircraft without any wings, exhaust plumes, or identifying markings.

As he tried to intercept the UFO, it accelerated so quickly that it looked as if it disappeared.

“It’s climbing still, and when it gets right in front of me, it just disappears,” Fravor said. “Disappears – like gone.”

Seconds later, the USS Princeton picked the UFO up on its radar, reading that it was 60 miles away.

This post first appeared on Thesun.co.uk

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