Colin Mann says his support for Scottish independence is driven by his social democratic values. Plus letters from Adam Rennie, Giselle Dye, Christopher Rainger and Pauline Carruthers

Martin Kettle’s view on a Scottish independence referendum is distorted by his understandable suspicion of nationalism (Sturgeon is unlikely to get her 2023 referendum, but be warned: the threat is not going away, 1 July). As an English migrant recently settled in Scotland, I can offer an alternative view. I moved here for many reasons, but one of them was that I was sick of living in England. For most of my adult life, I have had to suffer various brands of Conservative government as a result of a distorted electoral system and an increasingly ignorant English electorate.

I now have a chance to break away from this blight, and I am not going to miss it. As a social democrat, I wish Scottish Labour or Scottish Lib Dems supported an independence referendum. If they did, I would have voted for them. Since they do not, I have no option but to vote SNP or Green (PR allows me to vote for both up here).

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