After two relatively sedate episodes, series six burst into life with murders, interrogations and a callback to series one

Spoiler alert: this blog is for those watching series six of Line of Duty (it also contains spoilers from earlier series). Don’t read on unless you have watched the second episode of the new series.

Hello everyone – I am determined to get through this week without errors or mixing up episodes so fingers crossed because things are really heating up. We had a murder, an attempted murder, the probable setting up and arrest of Ian Buckells, a surprise sleepover, random drug testing at AC-12, a broken wrist, the discovery of the freezer Jackie Laverty was kept in and the OCG link between her murder and Gail Vella’s, Steve and Kate’s realisation that Ryan was the kid who attempted to cut Steve’s fingers off in series one and confirmation that Jo Davidson can stay as cool as a cucumber and clearly has links with the OCG. Hang on to your seatbelts and let’s begin.

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