The lifetime limit on how much you can save into a pension and get tax relief should be overhauled to make it fairer, say financial experts.

A ‘woefully’ out of date calculation used by the taxman allows people with final salary pensions to retire on much higher incomes than those in defined contribution schemes without being hit by charges, they point out.

Increasing numbers of savers are being caught out for breaching how much you can put in a pension each year and over your working life and still receive tax relief, recent HMRC figures revealed. 

Rumoured cut: A reduction in the lifetime allowance would affect higher earners who are still saving for retirement

Rumoured cut: A reduction in the lifetime allowance would affect higher earners who are still saving for retirement

Rumoured cut: A reduction in the lifetime allowance would affect higher earners who are still saving for retirement

And there are rumours that Chancellor Rishi Sunak is mulling a raid on pension tax breaks to help pay the massive bill for fighting Covid-19.

That could include slashing the £1.1million lifetime allowance to £800,000-£900,000, instead of freezing it until 2026 as previously planned. 

A cut to the lifetime allowance would affect higher earners who are still saving for retirement, including those who saved hard early on and whose investments have done well, and those in final salary – also known as defined benefit – schemes like doctors and headteachers.

Meanwhile, a ‘multiplier’ used by HMRC unfairly favours workers in final salary schemes when fund values are tested against the lifetime allowance, say pension experts.

Our sister publication Money Mail recently investigated how private sector workers, who are more likely to be in defined contribution schemes, can only secure half the retirement income of those in public sector final salary schemes before being hit with punishing tax bills. 

How does the ‘multiplier’ work?

Final salary scheme members build up a right to a retirement income rather than a pot of money, so a ‘multiplier’ is used to convert the income entitlement into a notional fund, explains AJ Bell senior analyst Tom Selby.

What are the lifetime allowance and annual allowance? 

The LTA is the total amount you can hold in pensions without facing a potential tax penalty and is currently £1,073,100. 

This is not a limit on how much can be paid into a pension, as savers can continue paying in above it, but hefty tax charges will then hit them when they retire.

Any money above this level taken as income incurs an extra 25 per cent charge and as a lump sum it incurs a 55 per cent charge – this comes on top of normal income tax.

The annual allowance, which is the amount you are allowed to save into a pension each year and receive tax relief, is £40,000 for most earners but there are tougher rules for the better paid. 

If you put more than £40,000 in a year into your pension, you won’t get tax relief on any amount above that limit. If your employer does it on your behalf, it has to levy your usual income tax rate on anything above the limit.

This is then ‘tested’ against the lifetime allowance when the person starts receiving their pension, he says.

‘This multiplier is set at 20, meaning whatever income a defined benefit member is entitled to is multiplied by 20 to give a figure which is tested against the lifetime allowance.

‘So if, for example, a defined benefit member received an inflation-protected pension income of £20,000 a year from their scheme, for the purposes of the lifetime allowance this would be multiplied by 20 to give a notional fund value of £400,000.

‘The maximum income a defined saver could take without breaching the lifetime allowance is therefore £53,655 (20 x £53,655 = £1,073,100).’

But Selby says if a defined contribution saver wanted the equivalent income in retirement they would need to go to an insurer and buy an annuity.

‘Assuming they didn’t take tax-free cash, the maximum inflation-protected joint-life annuity paying a 50 per cent spouse’s pension a healthy 66-year-old could buy with £1,073,100 is just £30,418.’ (Calculated using the annuity calculator on the Government’s Money Helper site.

Chris Noon, partner at Hymans Robertson, says the multiplier used for the annual allowance also favours people in final salary schemes.

He says the annual allowance, the maximum tax-effective pension saving in any tax-year, is £40,000 which in reality means this is the maximum that can be saved into defined contribution pension plans each year.

‘For those lucky enough to have a final salary pension, the deal is slightly better. The Government uses a factor of 16 to convert the annual allowance into the maximum pension you can earn each year in a final salary plan.’

Noon explains that if you saved the full £40,000 in a year, this would add £2,500 a year to your eventual guaranteed pension in retirement – which is substantially more than you could buy with £40,000 on the annuity market. 

What could the Treasury do to sort out this issue?

– Axe the lifetime allowance for defined contribution savers

A fundamental rethink of the way tax relief costs are controlled between final salary and defined benefit schemes should be considered, according to Selby.

This could mean a single annual allowance for defined contribution savings and a single lifetime allowance for final salary savings.

What are defined contribution and final salary pensions?

Defined contribution pensions take contributions from both employer and employee and invest them to provide a pot of money at retirement.

Unless you work in the public sector, they have now mostly replaced more generous gold-plated defined benefit – or final salary – pensions, which provide a guaranteed income after retirement until you die. 

Defined contribution pensions are stingier and savers bear the investment risk, rather than employers. 

‘This would at a stroke remove the lifetime allowance unfairness, solve many of the issues the annual allowance creates for people accruing benefits in defined schemes and generally simplify the system for the majority.’

Andrew Tully, technical director at Canada Life, says: ‘With a relatively low cap on contributions to pensions of £40,000 a year, and less for higher earners, the Government should consider scrapping the lifetime allowance for defined contribution members.

‘This would massively simplify pensions for schemes, providers and, most importantly, customers, by removing a huge amount of complexity.’

Many people believe the Government should be even more radical and get rid of the lifetime allowance for everyone, because having an annual allowance makes it unnecessary. 

– Make the multiplier more generous for defined contribution savers who buy an annuity

People who use a defined contribution pot to buy an annuity, which provides a guaranteed income like a final salary pension, should be subject to the same lower multiplier of 20 for tax purposes, according to Chris Noon, partner at Hymans Robertson. 

– Adjust the multiplier to make it less advantageous for final salary members

‘Addressing what looks like an anomaly would likely create a huge row with the public sector – including doctors who have worked on the frontline during the pandemic,’ says Selby.

Noon adds: ‘Last year we saw a fudge being needed to keep doctors working, rather than retiring on their defined benefit pensions. Updating this factor would resurface these issues, but more widely than just doctors.’ 

The Treasury was approached for comment but did not respond by the time of publication. 

Chris Noon:  Both the lifetime allowance and the annual allowance favour people in final salary schemes

Chris Noon:  Both the lifetime allowance and the annual allowance favour people in final salary schemes

Chris Noon:  Both the lifetime allowance and the annual allowance favour people in final salary schemes

What do pension experts say?

‘While it is common knowledge that workplace defined contribution pensions are often the poor relation to generous defined benefit schemes, there is a lesser known tax quirk which creates a huge disparity in the maximum retirement income someone can generate without breaching the lifetime allowance,’ says Selby.

‘On a conservative estimate, this quirk means defined benefit members can enjoy a 76 per cent higher retirement income than their defined contribution counterparts without being hit with a lifetime allowance charge.

‘The “multiplier” used to convert a defined benefit income into a notional fund to test it against the lifetime allowance is woefully out of date, having been introduced in the mid-2000s when annuity rates were much more generous than they are today.

‘This disparity was hard to justify during normal times but as the country prepares to end lockdown restrictions and with the Government facing huge fiscal challenges as a result of the pandemic, it now seems ripe for review.’

Ian Browne, pensions expert at Quilter, says: ‘There is a large degree of unfairness baked into the rules surrounding the lifetime allowance.

‘Our calculations show that based on the original policy thinking, the lifetime allowance should be £5.8m today compared to the now frozen £1,073,100.

‘It is unfair for all whether you are a defined contribution or defined benefit pension scheme member.

‘There is clearly a disparity between how defined benefit and defined schemes are treated and this needs to be fixed but there is a very careful tight rope to walk and tweaks here and there could further unbalance an already complex system.’

Ian Browne: 'There is a very careful tight rope to walk and tweaks here and there could further unbalance an already complex system'

Ian Browne: 'There is a very careful tight rope to walk and tweaks here and there could further unbalance an already complex system'

Ian Browne: ‘There is a very careful tight rope to walk and tweaks here and there could further unbalance an already complex system’

Browne says the entire lifetime allowance tax regime needs a careful rethink and it is crucial the Government talks to the pension industry to work out the best course of action.

‘There is clearly a huge bill to pay following the pandemic and it’s understandable that the Government is looking for ways to help fill the black hole in public finances but we must be careful not to make a complex system even more complex.’

Andrew Tully, technical director at Canada Life, says: ‘The lifetime allowance is an arbitrary tax which penalises individuals who have enjoyed good returns on their investments.

‘There is also a significant disparity in the way benefits are measured against the lifetime allowance with members of defined contribution schemes treated much more harshly than members of a defined benefit scheme.

‘The lifetime allowance doesn’t affect many people but it is a complicated area of pension planning and it is all too easy to get caught out, so anyone concerned about this limit should consult a professional financial adviser.’


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