• Lawyers to press ahead with group action over Paris chaos
  • ‘Proper compensation’ needed after Champions League final

Lawyers preparing imminent legal claims against Uefa on behalf of Liverpool supporters who suffered injury and trauma at last May’s Champions League final say the case has been strengthened by the damning findings of Uefa’s own review into the near-disaster.

More than 2,600 people caught up in the hours of chaos and safety failures at the Stade de France in Paris have signed up to sue football’s European confederation for compensation. The central finding of the review panel, which was chaired by a Portuguese MP, Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, was that Uefa had “primary responsibility” for the safety failures that led to a near-“mass fatality catastrophe”. The panel’s report stated that Uefa had “marginalised” its own safety and security unit, and that people in senior leadership positions at the organisation had known about this but failed to address it.

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