Rishi Sunak announcing ‘grooming gangs taskforce’ which will see specialist officers parachuted in to assist police forces

Good morning. Rishi Sunak is today announcing a crackdown on grooming gangs. He is announcing a “grooming gangs taskforce” which will see “specialist officers parachuted in to assist police forces with live child sexual exploitation and grooming investigations to bring more of these despicable criminals to justice”, according to the No 10 news release. But Sunak is also presenting this as a crackdown on “political correctness” because, as Pippa Crerar reports in her story, he also claims this is a threat to women and girls too. In a statement issued overnight Sunak says:

The safety of women and girls is paramount. For too long, political correctness has stopped us from weeding out vile criminals who prey on children and young women. We will stop at nothing to stamp out these dangerous gangs.

I think what is happening is the government is trying to distract everybody from focusing on the issues and the policies.

If they were serious about tackling child abuse and tackling child sexual exploitation, why are they cutting support for taking action on trafficking? Why are they not having proper support for victims?

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