Cats show their feelings from whiskers to tail. Here is how to read their body language and boost their health and happiness

Shortly after my partner and I adopted our two cats, our fluffy black one, Mambo, decided that I am his special human. Mambo rarely lets anyone else pet him, but he follows me everywhere, trilling to greet me, rubbing his cheek on my hand, sitting on my stuff or watching me work. He also loves it when I bring out his puzzle toys and treats for games. I did not expect to get this much attention from a cat, so I joked with friends that Mambo was behaving like a dog. But, when my cat behaviourist friend told me, “No, he is behaving like a CAT!” I decided to find out more.

As a new cat owner, I started questioning the popular belief that cats are less sociable and trainable than dogs. It seems that for every meme about dogs being our best friends, there is one about cats being aloof, weird, or murderous.

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