82nd over: England 338-6 (Pope 157, Ahmed 28) Rehan Ahmed bunts Jadeja over mid off for a nonchalant four! The stones on this 19 year old, seriously.

81st over: England 333-6 (Pope 156, Ahmed 24) India continue with the old ball, I can’t see signs of reverse swing, perhaps they are slightly concerned with how fast the new nut could fly off the bat. Bumrah stutters in and unleashes his bull whip in inimitable style. Rehan guides past gully to take a single and bring Pope onto strike. Shot! Pope opens the face and purposefully guides a length ball in the gap at third for four. Class. More than a hint of Ian Bell in his pomp with that shot. Perky start for England this morning. The same can’t really be said for me, I’m hooked up to a Kenco drip.

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