Tony Hetherington is Financial Mail on Sunday’s ace investigator, fighting readers corners, revealing the truth that lies behind closed doors and winning victories for those who have been left out-of-pocket. Find out how to contact him below. 

D.R. writes: My financial adviser David Howe came to me with an offer to invest in shares. I sent him £25,000. I later found he bought the shares in his own name, but he said this was not a problem. 

However, I contacted the company and they say he told them the £25,000 was merely a personal loan from me to him. 

He has now offered to repay my £25,000 plus 3 per cent interest, but only when he eventually sells the shares.

Done deal: D.R.'s financial adviser came to him with an offer to invest in shares

Done deal: D.R.’s financial adviser came to him with an offer to invest in shares

Tony Hetherington replies: David Howe is indeed a financial adviser, based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, and registered with the Financial Conduct Authority, but it is important to explain that this is only true since December 2020.

When the two of you discussed his plan to buy shares in Adviser Services Holdings Limited (ASHL), it was September 2020 and – he emphasises – he was nobody’s financial adviser at that time, although it was clear he planned to join ASHL and take a stake in the company, which he did.

It is also clear that you transferred £25,000 to Howe’s bank account, and in later text messages you told him: ‘I want to see all share details.’ To which he replied: ‘I’ll send you the certificate now pal.’ He did not send the certificate, and when you asked: ‘Think you can sell my shares?’ He replied: ‘Possibly’.

What struck me when I read these texts was that Howe did not reply by saying, ‘What shares, what certificate?’ That would surely be the normal reaction if you had simply lent him £25,000.

To get to the bottom of this, I asked Michael Couzens, the boss of ASHL whether it would be normal for one of his advisers to borrow £25,000, with no written terms. He agreed that the whole situation was ‘confused’. His company had been caught in the middle of your dispute with David Howe. But one thing stood out, he told me. You could never have become a shareholder in ASHL because shares were only offered to employees or people about to join it.

ASHL had questioned Howe about the text messages, and he had dismissed them as mere banter between friends. But if the £25,000 was a loan, it was hard to see why there was no proper agreement. I invited Howe to comment, and I asked how it could be right for him to say he would repay you only when he sold his shares. If there was an agreement, then any informal loan is repayable on demand. Howe’s response was to say that he and you were friends at the time.

He added: ‘I hope that you can see now that there is malicious intent in this accusation.’ I replied that I could not see any malice. You were entitled to the shares or the money, and it was hardly malicious to expect one or the other.

According to Howe, he had never even sought a loan from you. He says you insisted on providing the money so he could buy the shares for himself. And you refused to consider putting any agreement in writing. 

He added that he had offered to pay you back, with interest at 8 per cent, not 3 per cent, but you turned him down. This offer of immediate repayment still stood, he explained. 

When I relayed this to you, you told me to say yes please, you would take the repayment and interest, making £27,000 in all, to draw a line under the whole matter. 

I told Howe you would accept the deal. A week later he said he was ‘on annual leave’ and would see his solicitor when he got back, so a formal contract could be drafted. The ‘immediate’ repayment seemed to evaporate. Instead, Howe referred to paying up ‘within a reasonable time frame’.

Howe sent me the contract. Happily, it simply made clear that the payment ended the dispute. You signed it, and £27,000 has landed in your account, three weeks after you said yes to the ‘immediate’ repayment.

It is a decent ending of sorts, but I remain bewildered by the idea that a professional adviser would borrow such a large sum with absolutely no evidence of the loan, interest, or repayment terms.

Evri’s charges don’t stack up

Mrs J.G. writes: On two or three occasions, courier company Evri has invoiced us for additional charges, claiming parcels were overweight in spite of our careful weighing. So, we began to photograph our parcels on the scales. 

Recently my husband sold a bike, and we packed, measured and weighed everything meticulously. 

Five days later an invoice arrived for £10.80, saying our parcel was both oversized and excessively weighty!

Weighty issue: Evri has been invoicing _for additional charges

Weighty issue: Evri has been invoicing _for additional charges

Tony Hetherington replies: The heart of the problem was that Evri – which used to be called Hermes – would not deliver the bike until you paid up. With the buyer becoming impatient, you felt forced to fork out, and sure enough, within three hours the bike was delivered.

You told me you had measured the packaging to the millimetre and then weighed the bike, which was comfortably below Evri’s 15-kilo limit. But trying to complain left you going in circles, even being told you were complaining to the wrong complaints department.

Evri told me it apologises to you and your husband, adding: ‘When they contacted our customer service team, we immediately acknowledged the error and refunded the extra charge.’ Immediately? You first complained by phone on July 6, and then by email on July 10. I contacted Evri on July 29. Your refund arrived on July 31.

Enough said.

I am owed £35k… why is it delayed?

Ms J.P. writes: I came across the article you published last October about delays in payment by Sun Life Financial of Canada. 

When I called them to check on the progress of my claim following the death of my father, I was told they were only working on claims submitted five or six months earlier, while my own claim was only one month old. 

They gave various excuses such as Covid and the migration of their systems. The amount due is £35,000.

Concern: SLFC says it is now working on a backlog of claims

Concern: SLFC says it is now working on a backlog of claims

Tony Hetherington replies: Sun Life Financial of Canada (SLFC) had given me the impression claims were answered speedily except in really complex cases. That said, a number of readers have told me that when they have chased up a claim, they have been told delays were caused by the migration of data from one computer system to another.

Apart from complaining about delays, you asked SLFC to return the certified copy of your father’s will which you had supplied, so I enquired about this as well. 

SLFC admitted that a new system launched last year caused delays, but it added: ‘Responding to our customers’ claims in a timely manner remains our top priority.’ 

Your £35,000 has now been paid, plus interest. But SLFC mistakenly destroyed the certified copy of your father’s will so cannot return it. It has offered a further payment to compensate for this.

If you believe you are the victim of financial wrongdoing, write to Tony Hetherington at Financial Mail, 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY or email [email protected]. Because of the high volume of enquiries, personal replies cannot be given. Please send only copies of original documents, which we regret cannot be returned. 


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