BUDDING astronomers will get a glimpse of something not seen in our skies since our ancestors were using stone tools this evening.

Known as C/2022 E3 within scientific circles, the comet is a sight to be seen with its green glow illuminating the comet.

The comet has not been visible from earth for some 50,000 years


The comet has not been visible from earth for some 50,000 yearsCredit: Getty

What is the green comet?

The comet, which was discovered by researchers in March last year, is heading northbound towards the Corona Borealis constellation.

It only orbits the sun once every 50,000 or so, according to scientists.

But it is about to make it’s closest pass by Earth.

According to projections by scientists, it will then tilt towards Earth on February 1, where it will be closest to the planet on its trip around our galaxy.

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As it hurtles between between the orbits of Earth and Mars, the comet will come within around 45 million kilometres of our planet, travelling at a projected 128,500 mph.

That is the equivalent of the distance between Earth and the moon – about 120 times over.

The last time this comet passed Earth was when the planet was in the Stone Age.

It will be the first time modern humans have been able to gaze upon the glowing green orb.

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Amazingly, the comet is a time-capsule from our emerging solar system some 4.5 billion years ago.

When and how can I see the green comet from the UK?

As it approaches the star Polaris this evening, it will be visible with binoculars or a telescope.

However, on Wednesday February 1, it will be at its closest point to Earth which will make it visible to the naked eye.

Those planning on viewing the rare phenomenon are recommend to try and view the comet away from any sources of light pollution, preferably on a clear night.

To do so, it is recommended to adjust your vision to darkness beforehand, which can take up to 30 minutes.

It is important that during this time you do not look at any light sources, including a mobile phone.

There are many stargazing apps that will help you locate the comet such as SkyView Lite, SkySafari and Sky Map.

But do remember to do this before you try to adjust your vision to darkness.

Between now and the point where it is closest to our planet, it is recommended you check weather forecasts for the best time to view the comet.

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Scientists expect the comet to pull away from Earth and zoom back into deep space after making its closest swoop towards our planet at the beginning of next month.

However, star gazers should be reminded that the brightness of all comets is unpredictable.

This post first appeared on Thesun.co.uk

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