Learning how to enjoy what you have while working towards what you want is essential in navigating this endless pursuit of desire.
When it comes to what you want, there is usually no limit to it, and there is no end to it, either; we never truly reach a point in life where we say we no longer want anything, not even when our major desire may shift to simply wanting death to come—this insatiable longing is a fundamental truth about life.

Yet lack of understanding of this truth is the root of most of mankind’s miseries. We constantly chase what we want, pouring all our energies into its pursuit and, in the process, forget to enjoy what we already have. Learning to enjoy what we have is the secret to living a joyful life. It is the key to having peace of mind.
There is definitely a big difference between enjoying what you have and living in a comfort zone. A comfort zone is a place you stay at, completely neglecting to do anything to improve your life. It is a place you arrive at with no other destination in mind. That is a dangerous place to live in.
But enjoying what you already have is the exact opposite of living in a comfort zone. For instance,
let’s say you have a car, a Honda for example, but what you want next is a jeep. You will have peace of mind if you delight in enjoying your Honda while you work towards buying a jeep.
Now, the fact that you enjoy the Honda you already have does not mean you don’t desire to own a Jeep. But if because you have a Honda you no longer desire working towards having another car, even if the make is not of the jeep stock, then you have not only arrived at a comfort zone, you’re now dwelling there.
In a few years, when your Honda is worn out, you will discover the harmful result of living in a comfort zone. Because, by then, you will not be in a position to replace the car. And this may be at a time when you have advanced in age. When the strength for you to run around and make more money may no longer be there. That is the danger of living in a comfort zone.
On the other hand, constantly keeping your mind on what you want and bulldozing everything on your way to have it, is not the best way to quit the comfort zone. It is a manifestation of insanity. Leave it unchecked and you may end up in a mental home or take up an early accommodation in the grave.

Again, let me illustrate the point. To get ahead in life, you must set a goal. A goal is a destination you desire to reach. And to get there, you must create a road map. However, there is a point where you are at the time of setting your goal. That point, wherever it is, is what you already have. Your lot in life, so to speak.
If you’re thinking logically, it must be obvious to you that it will take some time to reach your new goal; to acquire the new things you want. It will also occur to you that the time it will take you to get there depends on the distance between where you are and where you aim to be – your goal.
That is if you’re thinking logically. Unfortunately, many people don’t think logically when it comes to getting what they want. Their desire is to have it now. Today! It doesn’t matter if it is by hook or crook. And
those who lack the heart to hook or crook it, waste so much time bem0aning their fate. In both cases, it is the wrong approach to getting what you want.
You can strike a balance between enjoying what you have and working towards what you want without falling into the comfort zone trap or turning your desire into a microwave oven for quick results. Here are a set of simple steps to follow:
Be Thankful To God
Recognize the fact that everything you own, including your life, is given to you freely by God. Therefore, in appreciation for it, continually thank Him from the bottom of your heart and worship Him in truth and with your substance. Above all, be obedient to His Word and do whatever He says willingly and joyfully.
Be Contented With What You Have
Being content with what you have, as I’ve explained, is not the same thing as living in a comfort zone. It is being happy that I’ve got this and getting excited about what you are working towards having
Be Filled With Faith
Faith is knowing – having the assurance – that what we want would be ours. And it comes by hearing; by hearing the word of God. (Rom. 10:17). Having faith does not mean we shall have what we want right away – instantly, in a jiffy. No! It is being confident that just as it is sure that darkness would appear after daylight, we will certainly get what we want at the right time.
Be Patient
Lack of patience causes us to fret, to doubt, to worry. None of these will manifest what we want. But if we trust God, He will surely deliver what we want at the right time. God’s time is always right.
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