Search engine marketing is the process of gaining traffic and visibility from search engines through paid search listings. There are a few paid advertising platforms for businesses, however, Google is the most popular search engine, with over 3.5 billion searches a day.

When people go to Google they are looking for something specific. Which means they have the intent to buy a product or service.

What Is a Google Ads Campaign?

Google Ads is a program that is used to place ads pm Google search results pages. Adwords is the main platform for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

There is no better form of search engine marketing.  Small companies are able to get a higher ranking with Google Ads.  It offers many targeting options to define who sees your brands ad.

The Details Are in the Click

Google counts the clicks on your ads and charges you for each click. They also count impressions, which is the number that tells you how often your ad has already been shown when users searched for that keyword. If you divide clicks by impressions, you get the click-through-rate (CTR). CTR represents the percentage of users who land on your page from your ad. It is important to know because it will tell you which ads successful and which ones are not.

Define Your Geographic Area

When you are setting up your Google ads, you can define where you want your ad to appear. For a local business that has a set location, this is extremely important.

If you are an online shop, you may not be worried about geographic constraints as you ship anywhere. However, look at your current clients and find out where they live. Look at your buyer personas as you may appeal to an audience on the West Coast more than the East Coast. This will save you money on ad spend and not getting you the results, you want.


When choosing keywords keep in mind that you are competing against other companies for the same audience. Also, think of keywords that will reach people who are ready to buy. The more specific you are, the more intent-based search your ad will show up on. There are three main keyword types within ads.

  • Broad – Google will show your ads to any search phrase it thinks is relevant to your keyword. Your ad will get you those most impressions, however, it will also show irrelevant search phrases and burn through your budget.
  • Phrase – This will trigger ads when the exact phrase is part of the keyword types into Google. It is more flexible than an exact match. An example Google gives is “tennis shoes”. Your ad will show on shoes for tennis, red tennis shoes, buy tennis shoes on sale. However, it won’t show up on tennis rackets and shoes, tennis players that wear red shoes.
  • Exact – Tells Google to display your ad when the exact keyword is typed in. You get the most control with an exact match, but you will limit your exposure.

Negative Keywords

Use negative keywords, they are a huge way to save money on clicks. These tell Google what you don’t want your ad to show up for. At our digital marketing agency, we love to set negative keywords for our client’s ad campaigns. It is a way that you can utilize your ad spend on quality clicks and not trending phrases that mean something completely different.

Content Matters

Content marketing is critical when creating Google Ads. The copy needs to convince potential buyers to buy. For each ad you have to create a headline and a description.

  • Headline – The headlines are split into 3 sections with 30 characters each. You need a strong, precise set of words.
  • Description – You get 90 characters for the first description. This is the best place to highlight the benefits. How does your brand solve their pain points? You get a second description with 90 characters and this is where you can capitalize on a feature, more details that help explain.

Content is king in advertising and with Google Ads it is the same. Make sure your spelling is on point, especially with the keywords. Also make sure that the keywords make sense in the content and they are not just stuffed in.

Be Open to Change

Track and look at the analytics on your ads. Most campaigns are not profitable from the start and then will require continual optimization to stay profitable.

Ad campaigns can increase your traffic and your bottom line.

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