XBOX Game Pass is a subscription service that allows you to play over a hundred games without buying them.

This can be a great way to try games before you buy them, or finish the latest games as soon as they’re out.

Game Pass has an amazing selection of games.


Game Pass has an amazing selection of games.Credit: Microsoft

However, the service is set to renew every month, which is not the most cost-effective way to play.

Here’s how to cancel your Xbox Game Pass recurring subscription.

How to cancel Xbox Game Pass 

The best time to cancel Xbox Game Pass is as soon as you purchase it. 

This will allow you to download and play all the games you want until the end of the month, without being charged again.

You can do this directly through your console as soon as you have completed your purchase to turn off recurring billing.

To cancel your Xbox Game Pass, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Xbox button on your controller 
  2. From here navigate to Profile & system > Settings.
  3. Then select Account > Subscriptions.
  4. Select cancel recurring billing next to the subscription you want to cancel

What happens if I cancel an Xbox Game Pass? 

If you cancel Xbox Game Pass, you will still keep your subscription until the end of the month.

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Cancelling your subscription turns off recurring billing, so you will not be charged at the end of the month, and your access will stop.

You can choose to renew the subscription at any point by purchasing it again.

This is often cheaper than recurring billing, as you don’t have to pay for the days you do not use.

Also, if you do not subscribe for a number of months, you will be able to get Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for just £1 ($1).

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.

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