Hootsuite Inc., a social-media marketing platform, said it is acquiring Heyday Technologies Inc., an artificial-intelligence company that offers chatbots, for $48 million.

Heyday offers customer service automation support that can answer common questions or help customers track orders.

Vancouver-based Hootsuite lets companies track social-network channels to see what people are saying about their brands and respond in real time.

Heyday is used by companies that want to employ a chatbot service to answer common questions from customers.

Photo: Heyday Technologies

Hootsuite bought Montreal-based Heyday because companies have expanded their use of social media beyond marketing to include commerce and one-on-one messaging, said Tom Keiser, Hootsuite’s chief executive.

“You really can do the entire customer life cycle now, all the way through selling and support, on the social and messaging platforms,” Mr. Keiser said. “With the acquisition of Heyday, we get a really strong base of AI capabilities that we’ll be able to use in social care and across the other aspects of our business,” he added, referring to customer service via social media.

The deal is Hootsuite’s second acquisition this year, following its January purchase of Sparkcentral, a provider of digital customer-support software-as-a-service.

Companies are increasingly using chatbots for all types of customer service and some other tasks. Southwest Airlines Co. uses a chatbot to answer questions from prospective employees.

According to a report from Salesforce.com Inc., 38% of companies were using chatbots in 2020, up from 23% in 2018.

Social-media management platforms are likely to keep bolting on new capabilities, said Andrew Frank, vice president and analyst at research and advisory company Gartner Inc.

“You’ll probably continue to see more acquisitions and possibly some more consolidation,” Mr. Frank said. “It is still a pretty fragmented market, and there’s room for more integration and for a lot of these kinds of applications to become more part of the mainstream marketing cloud world.”

Customer service has become intertwined with social media, said Jen Heal, a social-media consultant.

“These sorts of capabilities—AI technologies—are really needed to streamline that process and to make sure that customers are being given the priority and the attention they deserve,” Ms. Heal said. “It really is one of the biggest touch points for selling and customers expect an answer within an hour, if not sooner.”

More From the Experience Report

Write to Ann-Marie Alcántara at [email protected]

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This post first appeared on wsj.com

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