As a film-lover who suffers from misophonia, slurping and rustling noises are something I endure. Just don’t dare pull out your phone
One of the things I missed most during Covid lockdowns was going to the cinema. I’m not a film snob by any stretch of the imagination. I have seen all five Final Destinations on the big screen (and am still scared of trucks carrying logs) but I love going. I especially love going on a Monday or a Tuesday, which is when I can afford to go without having to cut out and sell my own kidneys as if I’m in Saw (movie reference).
I’ve started to regularly go to see movies again and I have been feeling genuinely joyful every time I slide into my pre-assigned seat. There’s something so exciting about being back at the big screen, the quiet anticipation you only get at the cinema. There’s something so delicious about popcorn that has been marked up 3,000%. There’s something so thrilling about ordering a large container of weak postmix that is so expensive candy bars should have a sommelier to let you sample the Mountain Dew before buying.