The chancellor’s slick, precise look says he’s here to get the job done – and contrasts starkly with the chaotic presentation of Boris Johnson

Slick, efficient, precise. Watching Rishi Sunak in his budget campaign video, I am reminded of Daniel Craig as James Bond. Not in the way he moves, with an invisible, Christ-like halo around him, nor in the way he gesticulates Blairishly as John Barry-like music swells in the background, pressing us to grab the nearest union jack and wear it like a cardigan. No, it is the way Sunak dresses, like a hired assassin planning a quick clean-up after his latest mission. There is a simplicity and, appropriately, an economy to his sartorial choices that seem wildly oppositional to how Conservatives have been dressing. Sunak is here to Get The Job Done.

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