She might be best described as Jeremy Kyle Mrs Doubtfire, but I predict Glenn Close’s character will be your next style icon. Here are her looks from the trailer – ranked!

On the surface, Hillbilly Elegy doesn’t appear to have a tremendous amount going for it. It’s the story of Amy Adams crying and smoking with a bad haircut, as if she’s run out of ways to convince people to give her an Oscar and is just trying anything now. It looks less like a film and more like a compilation tape of scenes where two wet-eyed people attempt to out-shout each other in different locations. Its trailer is soundtracked by the sort of faux-inspirational music that anonymous multinationals use to soundtrack shale gas hub commercials on news channels that are only ever watched in hotels.

However, you will watch Hillbilly Elegy, and you will watch it for one reason. Glenn Close is in it, playing a character best described as Jeremy Kyle Mrs Doubtfire, and it looks for all the world like she’s having a blast. I predict that Glenn Close’s Hillbilly Elegy character will be your next style icon, and here are all her looks from the trailer, ranked.

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