This relentless documentary takes us back in time to meet the women abused by glam-rock star Gary Glitter as children … and the roadies who tried to stop him (and set his wig on fire) 25 years before he finally got caught

Do you remember – it feels so long ago now – the days when it was a shock to find out that a rich, famous, charismatic man had been using his riches, fame and charisma to rape and abuse women and children and cover it up for years and years?

Glitter: The Popstar Paedophile is the bleakest of nostalgia trips, taking us back to those quaint times, before the public Jimmy Savile revelations, before the R Kelly revelations, before the Rolf Harris revelations, before Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein … I could, unfortunately, go on but I think the point is made.

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