Telecommunications technology startup EdgeQ Inc. on Tuesday named former Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai to its board of advisers as the 5G chip company faces regulatory uncertainty.

Four-year-old EdgeQ, headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., designs the wireless chip for businesses and other enterprises. Vinay Ravuri, the company’s chief executive, said Mr. Pai’s expertise will help the company as it transitions from research and development to product deployment.

“I look to people like Ajit to give me some foresight into what is likely to happen,” said Mr. Ravuri.

During his four years leading the FCC, Mr. Pai sought to cut regulations, fight illegal robocalls and make more radio frequencies available for 5G wireless networks.

While the U.S. is poised to be a leader in 5G deployment, regulatory disputes could scuttle further adoption, Mr. Pai said on a video call.

“On the regulatory side, some of the disputes we’ve seen among federal agencies could slow down, or even potentially stop the reallocation of spectrum for commercial uses, and that is something that would be unfortunate, of course, for all consumers and enterprises and for the country writ large,” said Mr. Pai, who was appointed to the helm of the agency by former President Donald Trump.

“I think it’s important for the FCC, which I formally headed, and for all agencies to recognize that American leadership in 5G needs to be a national priority,” Mr. Pai said.

Glenn O’Donnell, a research director at Forrester Research Inc., said the regulatory challenges associated with rolling out new 5G offerings make Mr. Pai a good candidate for EdgeQ’s advisory board. Issues to be worked out include the availability of 5G spectrum and the certification of equipment that will transmit signals, he said. The federal infrastructure law allocates $65 billion to broadband infrastructure and development, with many companies seeking to capitalize it, he noted.

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“There are a lot of regulatory hurdles to be overcome and benefits to be gained as a result of the new infrastructure law, so somebody with the right connections in Washington is going to be critical to the success of that business,” he said.

Mr. Pai said companies like EdgeQ are part of a broader effort to expand 5G deployment and grow consumer and business uses.

EdgeQ designs a 5G chip that combines multiple functions, otherwise known as a “system-on-a-chip.” EdgeQ’s chip uses artificial intelligence to optimize wireless connectivity for applications such as robotics, machinery and autonomous cars. The company has 150 employees in the U.S. and India.

EdgeQ’s advisory board includes two former Qualcomm Inc. executives, Paul Jacobs and Matt Grob, respectively chief executive and chief technology officer at wireless-technology startup Xcom Labs Inc. Mr. Ravuri was previously vice president of product management at Qualcomm.

Airlines canceled some flights before a new 5G wireless service rolled out, even after Verizon and AT&T agreed to limit the signal around U.S. airports. The FAA says the service could affect airplane safety systems, a claim the wireless industry refutes. Photo: Justin Lane/Shutterstock

Write to Suman Bhattacharyya at [email protected]

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