Kendall ​crashing, ​Logan slapping, ​Shiv cheating, Roman ​perving, Greg Gregging ​and Tom eating chicken … we rate every episode of Succession and relive its most shocking moments

39. The Disruption (season 3 episode 3)
Even a show as good as this has to have a worst episode. Luckily, picking one wasn’t a particularly tough decision. The Disruption was a largely pointless episode of ping pong between Kendall and the rest of the Roys, notable for how uncharacteristically heavy-handed it was. Shiv published a damning open letter about Kendall’s mental state; he played Nirvana’s Rape Me while she was making a speech. A bewildering outlier for such a good series.

38. Lifeboats (s1 e3)
Aside from the pilot, Succession’s first season took a few episodes to fully hit its stride. Nothing really happens here – some characters get nudged around the board to little consequence – which isn’t a great thing to say about a show’s third ever episode.

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