The world’s richest man won’t struggle to feed and clothe his offspring. The rest of us have to worry about childcare, medical bills, billionaires who don’t want to pay more tax …

Here’s a fun maths problem for you. If each of Elon Musk’s children reproduced at the same rate as their father, and each of Boris Johnson’s children had as many kids as they have siblings, how long would it take for the world to completely run out of resources?

It’s an impossible question to answer, of course: Musk and Johnson are constantly surprising us with new offspring. Last week for example, news broke that Musk fathered two children in 2021 with a top executive at Neuralink, his brain-machine interface company. Those babies were reportedly born just weeks before Musk welcomed his second child (via surrogate) with the singer Grimes. He now has 10 known children; his first child tragically died at the age of 10 weeks.

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