With such high-profile splits at Bill and Melinda Gates and Jeff and Mackenzie Bezos, some say the wealthy play by their own rules but celebrities often set standards the rest of us follow

A cascade of recent high-profile divorces of the very rich and famous has presented new questions for the divorce industry – and offered a voyeuristic thrill-ride for millions of the less well-known.

Some of the divorces of recent years have apparently been amicable or pseudo-amicable, such as the tech billionaires Bill and Melinda Gates, and the Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, and Mackenzie Scott. The same is largely true of the split between the reality star billionaire Kim Kardashian and singer Kanye West. But other splits have been decidedly less so, such as the long-running epic divorce and now custody battle between two of Hollywood’s A-listers, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

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