Avoid thick socks with tight shoes, try a neck buff and invest in a rechargeable waistcoat – top tips for dressing warm from a groundsman, a National Trust ranger and a cold-water swimmer

Spending time outdoors was fine in June when it might have involved beer, picnic dressing and socially distanced picnic rugs in the local park. And the outdoors remains vital to life right now, whether that is for a sanity-restoring walk or – depending on where you are in the UK – a meet-up with five friends. But when the temperature is somewhere between 7C and 14C, it takes on a different complexion. Taking rambler Alfred Wainwright’s memorable adage that there is no bad weather, only bad clothes, we asked a groundsman, a dog-walker, a professional snowboarder, a National Trust ranger and others what to wear to keep the heat in and the cold out.

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