Australia scraps Covid vaccination deadline; India becomes second-worst affected country worldwide after US; England shops, salons and outdoor dining reopen for first time in four months

People should enjoy new freedoms but remain wary of the risks, Boris Johnson has said, as beer gardens, alfresco restaurants, shops and salons prepared to reopen across England on Monday for the first time in almost four months.

The prime minister hailed the reopening – a major and “irreversible” step in the roadmap of easing restrictions – as “a chance to get back to doing some of the things we love and have missed”.

Related: Enjoy freedoms but stay wary of risks, PM says as England reopens

Hello and welcome to today’s live coverage of the coronavirus pandemic with me, Helen Sullivan.

England is waking up to eased Covid restrictions, Boris Johnson saying people should enjoy their new freedoms but remain wary of the risks.

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