WASHINGTON — The White House met with leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on Saturday, a conversation the Democratic lawmakers had been seeking for weeks as they became increasingly concerned that the administration would agree to an immigration deal that they found unacceptable.

The meeting occurred on Zoom on Saturday afternoon, according to two people familiar with the discussions, and involved leaders and senators in the caucus, White House chief of staff Jeff Zients and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

At issue is what Democrats are willing to agree to on border measures in order to gain the support of Republicans to pass aid for Ukraine and Israel, which remains a top priority for President Joe Biden.

The White House told the CHC members that while progress had been made on a framework, they were still working through some important policy decisions, according to one of the sources. The CHC also asked to be able to weigh in before the White House sealed the deal on negotiations; Zients and Mayorkas said they would brief them again.

CHC members’ frustrations grew in recent weeks as members felt like the White House wasn’t listening to their concerns. The caucus had demanded an “urgent” meeting with the White House earlier this month.

Last month, on at least two occasions, Democratic senators in the CHC huddled with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and said they did not believe Republicans were negotiating in good faith, according to two sources familiar with the meeting.

Their dissatisfaction came out during Saturday’s meeting, when they made clear they were upset at both the policy and the communication around the border deal, according to the source in the meeting. They said they felt like the White House dragged its feet on granting the group a meeting until the administration was closer to approving provisions they weren’t going to support.

A senior administration official previously told NBC News that top Biden aides had prioritized communication with lawmakers directly involved in the negotiations — including Schumer and Sens. James Lankford, R-Okla., Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz. — and started to expand its outreach this past week.

The White House declined to comment for this piece.

Senate negotiators met Saturday to continue hammering out a deal on the border, with the goal of having a framework in place by Monday.

But according to two sources with knowledge of the discussions, Democrats and Republicans remain far apart in three key areas: restricting the president’s ability to temporarily admit refugees under humanitarian parole, mandating the detention of migrants pending the adjudication of their claims, and expanding presidential powers to expel migrants nationwide.

Immigration advocates were furious about the deportation proposal this past week, comparing it to Title 42, the Covid-era public health order implemented by former President Donald Trump that made it easier for the U.S. to expel migrants. The pro-immigration group FWD.us called the latest proposal “Title 42 on steroids.”

The Senate — which is controlled by Democrats, who have shown more interest in quickly passing the broader aid package — has delayed its holiday recess and will return on Monday in hopes of hammering out a deal. The House, however, left on Thursday and has no plans to return until the new year.

Source: | This article originally belongs to Nbcnews.com

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