The formula for making as much money as you want…

Let's talk about an open secret most people looking to make head-spinning profit miss in their Internet business adventure... As with other areas of life. There is a formula for…

Samson Ojeagbase By Samson Ojeagbase

Wisdom Is The Principal Asset For A Successful Marriage

  WISDOM is the sensible ability to give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have. Wisdom is also the knowledge that a society or culture has…

Pst (Mrs) Esther Ojeagbase By Pst (Mrs) Esther Ojeagbase

Motivation Is Not Enough

I KNOW what you are thinking after reading that headline. You're saying to yourself: “What the heck does this guy…

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Why certificate holders struggle

Growing up, We were told education was the key to success and wealth. So why do PhD, Masters, and BSc…

Samson Ojeagbase By Samson Ojeagbase

Are You A Victim Of Too Many Success Options?

NOT every unsuccessful man or woman that you see is that way because they didn't make effort. Sometimes they may…

How To Write Your Own Success Story In Business

No matter what business you're doing, if you don't know…

The formula for making as much money as you want…

Let's talk about an open secret most people looking to…

Basic Attitude That Give Way To Satisfaction In Marriage

SOMETIMES in the year 2001, I and my husband visited…

How To Stay Connected To Your Source – Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase

Why is staying connected to your SOURCE so important in…

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Businesses I Won’t Touch With A Long Pole And Why

I didn't know much about what I wanted to share here when I started in business In October 1984. If…

Crossing The Hurdles In Your Life- Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase

EVERY one of us has one hurdle or the other in our lives that we want to scale over. Your…

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7 Keys I Learned From A Successful Marriage

We are a success-oriented family and we believe in acquiring useful knowledge through reading. The Book of Knowledge says: "We…

By Pst (Mrs) Esther Ojeagbase

Cure For Failure – Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase

WHAT is it that prevents people from using transformational information such as we provide every month in SuccessDigest? Why is…

How I Mastered The Art Of Getting The Best Out Of Employees

There are three key components of a successful business. Just three. They're 1. a great idea; 2. great team of…

My Life As An Entrepreneur

When Pastor Aity Dennis-Inyang finished the editing and proofreading of my latest book, Learn It! Do It! Sell It! -…

Rejection Is Not Fatal

YOU will never achieve success if you don't know how to handle rejection. That is a strong statement. But it…

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