Winning The Marital Warfare

The day you enroll into the world’s first and oldest institution, marriage, that is the day your name enters into the bad book of satan. This is because satan does…

Facing Lack And Rejection As An Entrepreneurial Couple

I HAVE come to the realization that whatever we are passing through at any stage of life, God is preparing us for our glorious future. This is always so except…

Cure For Failure – Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase

WHAT is it that prevents people from using transformational information such as we provide every month in SuccessDigest? Why is…

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Let Them Say Whatever They Want Don’t Mind Them

HAVE you been holding yourself back from doing something really positive because you are worried about what people will say…

Crossing The Hurdles In Your Life- Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase

EVERY one of us has one hurdle or the other in our lives that we want to scale over. Your…


If we were created for kingship, and if Jesus came…

How To Minimize Financial Wastage At Home

If you look inward and check the amount of money…

Help From Unseen Hands

My session with our mentor during my last appointment touched…

Basic Attitude That Give Way To Satisfaction In Marriage

SOMETIMES in the year 2001, I and my husband visited…

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How to pocket ₦500,000 profit/month using Hollywood’s Recipe

Believe it or not, Great Hollywood movies have a lot of interesting (and profitable) stories to teach. Take for example…

By Samson Ojeagbase

Seeing Your Wife As An Asset Not A Liability

SEEING is believing. You can never doubt what you see. Abraham was made to see his inheritance before he acquired…

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My Life As An Entrepreneur

When Pastor Aity Dennis-Inyang finished the editing and proofreading of my latest book, Learn It! Do It! Sell It! -…

7 Keys I Learned From A Successful Marriage

We are a success-oriented family and we believe in acquiring useful knowledge through reading. The Book of Knowledge says: "We…

How To Earn Guaranteed Increased In Your Finances

But seek God first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to  you."(Matthew…

How To Minimize Financial Wastage At Home

If you look inward and check the amount of money we waste at home, it will amaze you. From the…

By SuccessDigest

Crossing The Hurdles In Your Life- Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase

EVERY one of us has one hurdle or the other in our lives that we want to scale over. Your…

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