You can dare to be happy with who you are right now and accept yourself, faults and all. A lot of us don’t realize it, but the root cause of many social, physical, and emotional problems is simply the fact that people don’t like themselves.
They are uncomfortable with how they look, how they talk, or how they act. They don’t like their personality. They are always comparing themselves with other people, wishing they were something different.

“If I just had his personality…” “If I looked like she looks…” “If my thighs just weren’t so big….” “If I had less here and more somewhere else, then I’d be happy.”
No, you can be happy with who God made you to be, and quit wishing you were something different. If God had wanted you to look like a fashion model, a movie star, a famous athlete, or anyone else, He would have made you look like them.
If God had wanted you to have a different personality, He would have given you that personality. Don’t compare yourself to other people; learn to be happy with who God made you to be.
Many people are insecure about who they are, so they constantly try to gain the approval of everybody around them so they can feel better about themselves. They end up living to please other people, trying to fit into their molds so they can be accepted.
They act one way for their boss, another way for their spouse, and another way for their friends. They live a life of pretense, wearing various masks, and hoping to please everybody. In essence, they are not being true to anyone, especially themselves.
But if you are going to enjoy your life to the fullest, you must learn to be as confident as the individual God made you to be. Understand this:
You were not created to mimic somebody else. You were created to be you. When you go around copying and trying to be like somebody else, not only does it demean you, it steals your diversity, your creativity, and your uniqueness.
God doesn’t want a bunch of clones. He likes variety, and you should not let people pressure you or make you feel bad about yourself because you don’t fit their image of who you should be. Some people spend three-fourths of their time trying to be somebody else. How foolish!
Be an original, not a copycat. Dare to be different; be secure in who God made you to be and then go out and be the best you that you can be. You don’t have to look or act like anyone else. God has given us all different gifts, talents, and personalities on purpose. You don’t really need anybody else’s approval to do what you know God wants you to do.