NOT every unsuccessful man or woman that you see is that way because they didn’t make effort. Sometimes they may just be victims of too many success options. Yes, think about it. There are way too many avenues that you can take to become successful and rich. And all of them are legitimate.

Let’s start counting…
- Music.
- Internet marketing.
- Oil and Gas.
- Blogging.
- Soap manufacturing.
- Car dealership.
- Super market.
- Real Estate.
- Publishing.
- Airline.
- Shipping.
- Stock market investing.
- Banking.
- Drug manufacturing.
- Programming.
- Healthcare.
- Insurance.
- Comedy.
- Electronics manufacturing.
- Hotel.
- Restaurant.
- Telecommunication..
- Property development.
- Import and Export.
- Courier service.
- Information marketing.
And on and on.
Are you tired of counting yet? But now you get my drift. Anyone can become super successful and extremely rich setting up a business in any of these economic activities. In fact, I guarantee that you will find at least one billionaire whose access to his riches is through one of these industries.
However, the very fact that there are so many options is the very reason why many are not successful or their lives are on pause as in remote control. Why the paradox? Simple: too many choices always leave many people confused.
But unlike a glutton who gets invited to a buffet and ends up eating a little bit of everything that is served, a success seeker who couldn’t make up his mind on which business to establish and do well in, more often than not loses all his capital and sometimes his self-worth in the process of dabbling into different businesses.
Let me explain. The victim of too many success options will normally start with a business. Before launching out, he was convinced that the business would deliver all the trappings of success that he desired. And so he would risk his money on it.
But before long, when he expects the harvest to come and there is no evidence of it, he will come to the conclusion that he was in a wrong business and take off in another direction. And when he encounters the same slow progress, he abandons it and moves on to another line of business.
In a space of five to ten years – a time frame that would have been enough for him to start seeing some results from his first investment had he stick to it – he would have established five or more businesses with nothing to show for his investment of time, money and sweat.
What is even worse is that by this time, the fellow would already be showing the signs of frustration. The evidence of lack of success would be announcing him like a billboard on a highway.
As you can see, it wasn’t lack of effort that got this fellow to the sorry state that you now find him. He’s a victim of not knowing how to make a choice and stick to it.
Here is one truth that every Beginning Entrepreneur must drill into his skull: there is no short cut to success in any line of business. Every business goes through the same process. What it takes to make a success of anyone of them is to patiently nurture it from the seed [idea], to plant, to harvest.
I’m sure that is the lesson Holy Spirit wants to teach us when He inspired Apostle Paul to pen one of my favourite scriptures in the Bible: “I planted, Apollos watered. But GOD gave the increase.” [1 Corinthians 3:6].
That’s right! Planting and watering are not enough. You must still wait patiently for GOD to bring the increase. And He is a rewarder of all those who diligently seek Him. [Hebrew 11:6].
He will not deny you your just reward!