For far too long Rishi Sunak had been held back by successive Tory governments. Time for some unspecified action

That Inaction Man jibe had really hurt. Rishi Sunak had come back from that prime minister’s questions in a right strop. After all he had done for the country, the sacrifices he had made, how dare the country be so ungrateful. Worse still, take the piss out of him. He was on the go non-stop. Only that morning he had done 15 miles on his Peloton. No one had the heart to tell him he hadn’t actually been anywhere while on the bike.

Since then he had been even more determined. He would be the leader who got things done. The politician who wasn’t afraid to take the difficult long-term decisions. Take net zero. There had definitely been no short-term electoral gain in coming up with a plan that all the rightwing media could get behind. Only he had had the vision to realise that you could meet your climate change targets by junking your climate change targets. Nor had anyone else been bold enough to put an end to green policies that had never even existed in the first place. That had been a work of genius.

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