Eighteen-year-old’s body was found seven miles from her home three days after she went missing

At 6pm on Saturday, Bobbi-Anne McLeod took the short walk up the hill from her family’s terraced home in the Leigham area of Plymouth to a bus stop. She was due to catch the number 50 into the city centre and then stroll about eight minutes to her boyfriend’s home. She never got there.

A passing driver, Stuart Fullard, 54, said he saw McLeod sitting on a metal rail at the bus stop. He noticed her because she was dressed distinctively in ripped jeans with fishnet tights underneath and because she looked so young – the 18-year-old was less than 5ft and could have been mistaken for someone much younger. Fullard has a daughter himself and said he felt nervous for her in the drizzly dark. “But she didn’t look as if she had a care in the world.”

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